Just An Ordinary Day | Jesus

Just An Ordinary Day | Jesus

Just an Ordinary Day | Jesus
by Daniel Burton

by Daniel Burton

It was just an ordinary day for the Jesus.

We like to believe that Jesus and Satan actively battle for the souls and lives of mankind., each trying to beat the other in some divine spiritual competition. We share images of Jesus and Satan standing face to face as if they are preparing for a boxing match with the outcome largely unknown. Nothing could be further from the truth. For Jesus, there is no contest between the defunct fallen angel and the Son of God and ruler of all creation. Maintaining Divine rule over all creation requires nothing beyond the instrinsic personhood that He naturally exerts. Bringing salvation to mankind by becoming incarnate had been the plan from the beginning, not a plan B in response to sin. Rather, the work of Christ paved the only path for our return. While hugely momentous and the turning point of creation, for Jesus Christ, this event displayed the ordinary activities for a God incarnate who does the extraordinary for the unworthy.

He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you who through him are believers in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.
‭‭- ‭‭1 Peter 1:20-21, ESV

Before The Foundation

Prior to the existence of the world, Revelation 13 tells us that Christ was slain before the foundations of the world, echoing the sentiments of 1 Peter.  From the beginning of time, the plan for salvation could only be fully accomplished and realized by the hand of God.  Furthermore, Jesus’ appearance in time comes at precisely the right time.  Every aspect of timing sought to provide the greatest grace for people to understand the fullness of the love of God.  At no point, though, did God act out of panic or needing to change the plan. Nor did it require any special attention or resting up to exert. Rather, an omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent God could rescue mankind on just an ordinary day, not outside of the original plan.

he coming of Jesus doesn’t represent the divine struggle between good and evil but demonstrates the victory of God over sin’s grip on mankind. Evil cannot win because evil has already been defeated.

Evil presents no real threat to the Godhead, a fact we often forgetting believing that Jesus and the devil are ensnared in a cosmic battle. Yet, we see throughout scripture that Christ cemented the victory before the first transgression occurred. Before the foundations of creation, Jesus declared victory over the sin that would ensure His people. The coming of Jesus doesn’t represent the divine struggle between good and evil but demonstrates the victory of God over sin’s grip on mankind. Evil cannot win because evil has already been defeated.  In the last days, the throne of God will not even feel the challenge that Satan believes he levies.  Thus, the focus of the Gospel rests on the God who saves mankind and gives grace to sinners despite whatever spiritual force of darkness they may fear.

A Love Incarnate

During this Christmas season, we cannot understate the importance of Jesus Christ taking on flesh. Every other religious system involves mans attempts to approach God and all will ultimately fail the imperfect who seek a holy and perfect god.  The One True King over heaven and earth chose instead to become human in order to return mankind to our rightful place.  From the beginning, God gave Adam and Eve the Garden of Eden as a blessing but we chose sin instead of paradise.  Then, spurning the law, we continued in our rebellion against God.  God easily could justify reigning His wrath down on humanity but chose instead to save humanity by taking on their form as a redemption and payment for their sins.

God's every action displays the fullness of God comes out of a profound love for a people who routinely ignored and rebelled against Him.

Jesus Christ represents the incarnate God who brought the most profound love that anyone could ever experience.  God’s every action displays the fullness of God comes out of a profound love for a people who routinely ignored and rebelled against Him.  Like a Father caring for his child, God cares for the His beloved creation beyond their ability to earn the affection.  Love became incarnate in the person of Jesus Christ.  Our God offered every path to salvation and redemption, giving the law for our guidance and protection while giving grace through faith in Jesus Christ. The Son would become incarnate in the person of Jesus Christ, be crucified for the sins of mankind as the perfect sacrifice and propitiation for our sins, all in a divine rescue mission. The actions of God represent a natural outpouring of His character and person.  Graceful love is just an ordinary God who embodies the fullness of that same love.

For more in this series, check out Just An Ordinary Day


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