Focusing on The Blessings in 2019

Focusing on The Blessings in 2019

Focusing On The Blessings in 2019
by Daniel Burton

by Daniel Burton

As I started 2018, I found a hope that, from the previous years, remained highly elusive. Numerous persons had routinely told me “This is going to be your year!” Quickly, I formulated things to do and ways to improve my spiritual health and well being. I met the first few weeks with gusto, powering through the challenges, pushing my skills and abilities, while simultaneously working on some persistent habitual sins that seemed to find a home. To Ben honest, for  while, things were going pretty good. I felt like a super Christian.

And then the first string of disappointments hit. I hadn’t been awaiting good news about major life events and it suddenly and unexpectedly fell through. The sin I thought I had conquered reared it’s ugly head as an unwelcome but familiar house guest. My heart grieved and became dejected.

I find that at the end of 2018, I have no immediately conquered my sins but merely found new ways to struggle through the same struggles. Furthermore, my brain routinely dwelt on those things. In order to thrive in the upcoming year, we must intentionally seek the Lord and focus on the blessings that God has already provided.

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.”
‭‭- ‭‭Philippians 4:8-9, ESV

Choosing to See the Blessing

We are easily tempted to set our attention on the next blessing and miss the blessings God continually lavishes upon us. Setting our attention on the good in our lives reinforces and attune should our minds to see and seek the hand of God throughout our daily lives. We will find what we seek, even if it isn’t there. Thus, at prime important, is seeking the truth of God and seeing how His steady hand has already guided us, protected us, and supported us.

When we focus on God in the world, we begin to see the world through the eyes of God. The monotonous becomes Spirit filled as every breath we take becomes a blessing from above

We all have the choice on what we we continually replay in our heads. When we focus on God in the world, we begin to see the world through the eyes of God. The monotonous becomes Spirit filled as every breath we take becomes a blessing from above. Previously, the more I recounted the hurt and pain, the more the hurt and pain became the focal point.  When my attention shifted to how God blessed me throughout that day, the focal point moved from myself to the maker of all good things.

A Change of Heart and Change of Hands

As we continually put our attention on the good in the world, rather than it’s deficiencies (however glaringly obvious they may be) our heart is transformed and renewed by the grace of God. God, being much larger than we can contain, spills out of us to our actions. Renewing our mind results in the natural outpouring of the love and grace that God first gives us. Our focus changes from “how can I sin less?” (in a vain attempt to earn the love of God) to “how am I blessed to Ben a blessing and give glory to God in this situation?”

Actions stem from what’s God is doing in the heart. They pour outward. Correcting our actions only can serve as a bandage for a time, but ultimately must heal through the work of the Holy Spirit in the depths of our soul.

For 2019, we can make goals, resolutions, and targets, but ultimately, we must seek first the Kingdom of Heaven, resting in the fullness of His glory and grace. This new year, resolves to find God in the every day activities and celebrate the joy that God has placed before you.

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