A Quick Note on Galatians 2:1-10
Paul held a perspective and mission that seemed to defy expectations and contradict the training held by Paul. At numerous occasions, Paul boasted in his education, having experienced world-class, quality training by highly skilled and influential teachers. Gamaliel being the most notable, established himself as a leader and scholar among the Sanhedrin as he interpreted the law with great skill and wisdom. Many sought the attention and mentorship of Gamaliel and Paul received the mentorship, setting him head and shoulders above the rest. Yet, despite the upbringing, God called Paul out of the Judaic sphere to reach the gentiles. Paul’s message and heart for the gentiles with the training of the Sanhedrin gave him a distinct perspective to defend against the Judaizers (who sought to burden the gentiles with the constraints of the Judaic law) and stand firm in the preeminence of Jesus Christ over any nationality or ethnic background. Seeing the faith of Paul and the heart for the Gospel, the apostles extended the right hand of fellowship. Paul understood the heart of the Gospel to extend beyond borders and walls, that the mission of loving and caring for the world to make Jesus Christ known throughout all the world.