Tag: Nobody Special

Nobody Special 103 | Rhett, Link, Ear Biscuits and Deconstructing Faith

Nobody Special 103 | Rhett, Link, Ear Biscuits and Deconstructing Faith

Rhett and Link from Good Mythical Morning and their podcast Ear Biscuits talked about their spiritual deconstruction journey and Danny and Caleb talk about how we can uphold those doubting their faith and respond to others doubting.

Nobody Special 102 | The Gift of Singleness and Loving God

Nobody Special 102 | The Gift of Singleness and Loving God

Happy Valentine’s Day! Singleness is a gift from God. So is marriage. And there is room in the church for both to glorify God as one big happy family on this week’s episode of Nobody Special.

Nobody Special 101 | Sonic the Hedgehog and Discipleship

Nobody Special 101 | Sonic The Hedgehog and Discipleship

The makers of Sonic The Hedgehog can take correction and so can we. Also, we talk about whether people should be immediately labeled a heretic or shown grace.

Nobody Special 100 | One Hundredth Episode and Corona Virus

Nobody Special 100 | One Hundredth Episode and Corona Virus

Caleb and Danny celebrate their 100th episode by talking about the cheeriest topic ever; the Corona Virus.

Nobody Special 099 | Gritty Killed Mr Peanut and Other Evangelism Problems

Nobody Special 099 | Gritty Killed Mr Peanut and Other Evangelism Problems

Caleb is working with polar bears so Danny invited Andrew Steier, friend and youth pastor at Switzerland Community Church to talk about mascots, Super Bowl commercials and discipleship and evangelism.

Nobody Special 098 | Jesus Saves My Life With Chicken Nuggets

Nobody Special 098 | Jesus Saves My Life With Chicken Nuggets

God can use anything to bring about His glory and do a work in you, even chicken nuggets and a broken car.

Nobody Special 097 | Dying, Death, and Dogs

Nobody Special 097 | Dying, Death, and Dogs

Caleb and Danny talk about the passing of Danny’s dog Izze and how coping with death from a Christian perspective looks.

Nobody Special 096 | Bludgeoning People Theologically

Nobody Special 096 | Bludgeoning People Theologically

On this episode, Caleb and Danny discuss going on an adventure and how to not bludgeon a person theologically.

Nobody Special 095 | 2020 Looking Back To Look Forward

Nobody Special 095 | 2020 Looking Back To Look Forward

On this episode, Caleb and Danny trace the hand of God through 2019 to prepare for 2020 and finding God in the every day with #ProjectJoy365.

Nobody Special 94 | The Great Cookie Debate

Nobody Special 094 | The Great Cookie Debate

On this episode, we debate the best Christmas cookie available. Then we finally quiz Danny on his Christmas music knowledge. Then we look at the pace of Christmas and what it means to celebrate God in the ordinary.