At the beginning of time, God created everything and it declared it good, with everything how God intended it to exist. For a brief period of time, mankind lived in paradise, walking with God in intimate relationship and communion with the High King of heaven. Then, through the introduction of sin, the paradise created for the glory of God and the enjoyment of mankind became tainted by the corruptions of sin. We live in this world, where the effects of sin affect our daily life. To understand the problem of sin, we must go back to the beginning, to the moment where man introduced sin to the perfect paradise of creation. God had set mankind free in the garden of Eden to enjoy and gave one restriction; one tree they cannot eat its fruit. The serpent deceived Adam and Eve, enticing them to doubt the goodness and righteousness of God by eating the forbidden fruit. In that moment, Adam and Eve chose the promise that they would die for their actions, rather than enjoy the paradise God prepared for them. The sin of Adam is the sin of mankind who routinely chooses in false god’s and false promises. Yet, despite sin, God gives hope to mankind despite the rebellion of standing against God.