Tag: Gospel of Luke


Luke 2:1-7 An Underwhelming Welcome

It came time for Mary to have her child.  You would expect that the Savior of the world would enter with fanfare.  Or at least there would be a proclamation of the coming Savior.  After all, this was the Savior of the world, the one the prophets foretold and who would save humanity.  He would…
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Gospel of Luke

Luke 1:57-80 A Community Together

There I sat, in the waiting room of the maternity ward.  My friend had gone in to labor in the middle of the afternoon and the network of cell phones buzzed furiously; “It’s time.”  As I looked around, I saw moms, dads, siblings, uncles, cousins, friends, and just about anyone else who knew her.  The…
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Luke 1:39-56 Responding to His Coming

With Elizabeth pregnant with a miracle onvichild as a blessing and gift from God, Mary went to see her relative and check on her pregnancy.  After all, both of them had miraculous conceptions.  If anyone would be able to understand Mary’s situation, it would be Elizabeth.  So Mary traveled while pregnant (admittedly not the last time she…
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Luke 1:26-38 The Impossible Faith

By this time, Elizabeth is six months into her pregnancy. The woman who was unable to have children had conceived a child and the story of Zechariah’s muteness no doubt accompanying the story. For all that seemed to be a miracle, this was only the beginning.  John would serve as a herald for the coming Savior.…
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Gospel of Luke

Luke 1:5-25 Zechariah’s Call

As the Gospel of Luke opens, we jump right in to the action, anticipating the Savior and Great High Priest who would sacrifice His life for us. The people had gone through a period of silence from God and almost a steady constant silence. Life became slow. The people went through the motions of their…
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