The Seven Last Words of Christ: With Me In Paradise

The Seven Last Words of Christ: With Me In Paradise

by Daniel Burton

by Daniel Burton

The authorities reserved crucifixion for the heinous criminals. There, slowly dying on the cross, in agonizing pain, Jesus hung there arms outstretched. While they had not found any crime against Him, Pilate sentenced Jesus I death to calm any potential political uprising.Yet, two men joined Jesus, being crucified alongside him. Criminals. Christ was to be executed in the company of criminals. One of them began to mock Jesus, while the other knew who’s presence he stood in. Two criminals, both equally condemned and rightfully so, yet with two different reactions to understanding that Jesus, the one who claimed He was the Messiah, hung next to them.  During this excruciating moment, inching closer to His death, the mission of Jesus still shown through the circumstances.  He came to save mankind and all who would follow Him. This moment would be no exception.

“One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: “Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!” But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.” Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

Luke 23:39-43, NIV

People have different reactions to encountering the King of Kings.  Furthermore, this situation showed itself to be particularly unique.  There, two criminals hung surrounding the Savior.  The consequences of the first criminal’s crimes had caught up to him and drove him to insanity. He mocked Jesus, an innocent man dying the death of a guilty man.  The second, though, responded differently.  He chastised the first criminal and sought to gain the attention of Jesus.  For everything he was going through, the second criminal saw the face of an innocent man, but even more so, he saw the face of the Savior of mankind.

Understanding our Guilt

At no point did the thief on thief on the cross attempt to say they he was innocent.  There can be no full understanding or comprehension of the grace of God without first coming face to face with the consequences of our sin.  We deserve death.  In confronting our sin, we can choose to respond the two ways that we see before us.  The first thief was unrepentant and instead took his final breaths mocking the innocent God King who taught a message of faith, hope, and love.  The second, understood that we was a sinner and took his final breaths asking for the barest of attention.  Though he understood our guilt, it was this response that saved mankind from the eternal punishment of death.

While we assuredly are sinners, by the grace and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we have been declared innocent. Click To Tweet

You are guilty of sin.  I am guilty of sin.  We are all guilty of sin. Yet, Jesus Christ, by taking the burden and condemnation of sin upon Himself declared us to be innocent.  Guilty people would not have access to joining the Savior in Paradise, only those who were innocent.  Likewise, while we assuredly are sinners, by the grace and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we have been declared innocent.  Our past actions are forgiven and we are able to join Jesus in our eternal home.

Receiving Our Grace

One of the more astounding facts of this encounter on the cross was the second thief’s relegation to his fate.  He understood why he was there an had accepted his punishment.  He was going to die and there was nothing he could do about it. All he asked is that Jesus remember him, not for salvation or to be removed from the punishment before him, but just that Christ remember the thief when Jesus arrived in His Kingdom.  The thief confessed a true understand of the Lordship of Jesus Christ.  Yet, the memory of Jesus ripples through the fabric of mankind and impacts the future.  Through his acknowledgement of the Kingship of Jesus Christ, the future of the thief on the cross was inextricable and eternally altered.  Today, rather than meeting his full fate, Jesus showed grace to the man and remit the eternal punishment that laid before him.

Jesus' crucifixion extended grace to mankind and sought to save us from the consequences of our sin. Click To Tweet

We receive our grace in much the same way as the thief on the cross.  While we did not do anything to ear it, the mission of Jesus Christ on the cross sought to extend grace to mankind.  At the core, Jesus’ crucifixion extended grace to mankind and sought to save us from the consequences of our sin. We receive the grace of God by declaring the Kingship and Lordship of Jesus Christ.  Like the thief on the cross, we declare that Jesus is Lord and receive the gift of grace that Christ died for our sins and sought our restoration.

Seven Last Words of Christ

For more in this series, check out Seven Last Words of Christ.


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