Tag: Faithfulness

The Fruit of Gentleness: Towards Non-Believers

The Fruit of Gentleness: Towards Non-Believers

As Paul discusses the fruit of the Spirit, he includes gentleness as a clear indication that a person is living a spirit-filled life. As much as we use this term and mentally ascent to its Christ-like quality, often times this quality is one of the first to go for the sake of boldness or standing firm aggressively. We live as if gentleness concedes territory in our spiritual lives. Nothing could be further from the truth. Gentleness finds its basis in the ideas of meekness and humility but not in weakness. Instead the expression of gentleness roots itself in the strength of the Holy Spirit.

The Fruit of Gentleness: Restoration

The Fruit of Gentleness: Restoration

As Paul discusses the fruit of the Spirit, he includes gentleness as a clear indication that a person is living a spirit-filled life. As much as we use this term and mentally ascent to its Christ-like quality, often times this quality is one of the first to go for the sake of boldness or standing firm aggressively. We live as if gentleness concedes territory in our spiritual lives. Nothing could be further from the truth. Gentleness finds its basis in the ideas of meekness and humility but not in weakness. Instead the expression of gentleness roots itself in the strength of the Holy Spirit.

The Fruit of Gentleness: A Strong Humility

The Fruit of Gentleness: A Strong Humility

As Paul discusses the fruit of the Spirit, he includes gentleness as a clear indication that a person is living a spirit-filled life. As much as we use this term and mentally ascent to its Christ-like quality, often times this quality is one of the first to go for the sake of boldness or standing firm aggressively. We live as if gentleness concedes territory in our spiritual lives. Nothing could be further from the truth. Gentleness finds its basis in the ideas of meekness and humility but not in weakness. Instead the expression of gentleness roots itself in the strength of the Holy Spirit.

The Fruit of Faithfulness: Works From Faithfulness

The Fruit of the Faithfulness: Works from Faithfulness

Understanding the nature of faithfulness is, assuredly, important.  We must understand the underlying root of our faith, knowing that we are faithful because God first demonstrated faithfulness to us even though we were enemies and in rebellion against Him.  But, as with most of the Fruit of the Spirit, knowledge must produce action of some sort.  We cannot say that we embody an idea or characteristic if it never reveals itself through what we do.  Faithfulness demonstrates this easiest among the Fruit of the Spirit. Faithfulness, because of its unknown nature, lends itself to people giving it lip service to demonstrate faithfulness but lack the drive to follow through.  Faithfulness, without the corresponding action is not true faithfulness but only self-deceit. With our faithfulness having been rooted in the strength of God’s ability and character, we can live fully devoted lives where our actions clearly and accurately depict a life transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Furthermore, in faithfulness, we will remain faithful to the biblical doctrines of truth as a public testimony to the world while still maintaining the grace and love of Jesus Christ.

The Fruit of Faithfulness: An Unchanging God

The Fruit of the Faithfulness: An Unchanging God

It seems that the world is in a constant state of changing. Technology develops and grows, the issues of our daily life shift with cultural tides, and our relationships ebb and flow as our lives change. For all the changes in the world, our God remains faithful throughout the changing times. Our trust in God lays its foundation on God’s faithfulness. The Holy Spirit inside of us produces a steadfast faithfulness that the world trusts to lead them to the perfection of God. Yet, our faithfulness is the result of God’s steadfast nature and in His unchanging nature. No matter the circumstance and whatever fades around us, God will remain perfect so that we too can stand in that Sam even perfection.

The Fruit of Faithfulness: The Outpouring of Trust

The Fruit of the Faithfulness: The Outpouring of Trust

One of the most talked about topics of Christianity is the idea of faith. We are encouraged to live out our faith, express faith, and in some cases “just have faith.” Sometimes the advice given to Christians is a pleasant reminder of the importance of persevering and continuing to trust God during difficult times. Other times, it seems reductionist, giving buzzword advice instead of being present for a person who is hurting. Faith, for the believer is crucial for the well-being of the Christian, though. It carries the believer through difficult times, gives us the strength to stand when it is easier to fall, and helps us persevere when times become rough. For all its importance, faith can sometimes seem elusive and difficult to determine what precisely it is. Yet, as Paul discusses faithfulness as a part of the fruit of the Spirit, Paul is speaking clearly of a quality that builds on the foundation of God’s steadfast nature. For the believer, faith does not require all of the evidence to be present but continues to stand in the face of discouragement and anything that would attempt to derail a person from their trust in the Savior. It traces the hand of God through the past to allow us to trust that the hand of God has not departed.


Luke 2:22-40 Awaiting The Timing

Make no mistake, shepherds were dirty people. Not morally, although maybe they were, but they were often covered in dirt, sweat and grime. For the sake of protecting the flock, they would stay with the sheep, sleeping in the fields. They smelled like livestock and were not the upper class of society. If you were planning an event for the coming of the King of the Universe, more than likely, you would overlook the shepherds. Yet, it was to the lowly shepherds that the angels announced the birth of the Savior.