The Fruit of the Faithfulness: The Outpouring of Trust

The Fruit of the Faithfulness: The Outpouring of Trust

The Fruit of Faithfulness: The Outpouring of Trust
by Daniel Burton

by Daniel Burton

One of the most talked about topics of Christianity is the idea of faith.  We are encouraged to live out our faith, express faith, and in some cases “just have faith.”  Sometimes the advice given to Christians is a pleasant reminder of the importance of persevering and continuing to trust God during difficult times.  Other times, it seems reductionist, giving buzzword advice instead of being present for a person who is hurting.  Faith, for the believer, is crucial for the well-being of the Christian, though.  It carries the believer through difficult times, gives us the strength to stand when it is easier to fall, and helps us persevere when times become rough.  For all of its importance, faith can sometimes seem elusive and difficult to determine what, precisely, it is.  Yet, as Paul discusses faithfulness as a part of the fruit of the Spirit, he is speaking clearly of a quality that builds on the foundation of God’s steadfast nature.  For the believer, faith does not require all of the evidence to be present but continues to stand in the face of discouragement and anything that would attempt to derail a person from their trust in the Savior.  It traces the hand of God through the past to allow us to trust that the hand of God has not departed.

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the people of old received their commendation. By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.

– Hebrews 11:1-3 ESV

Faith in a Lack of Understanding

Many people see no place for doubt in faith.  They believe that if a Christian experiences doubt, then it is a sure indication that they have departed the faith and no longer follow God.  This, however, is entirely unfair to the heart of a person seeking truth.  The Christian is not called to fully understand but to fully trust. Simply put, we cannot fully comprehend an infinite God but, by the Spirit within us, we have fully faith that His hand is mightier and stronger than our own.Sometimes questions manifest themselves as doubts and we are certainly permitted to ask questions to an omniscient God.  Doubt becomes dangerous when we jump to conclusions in our questioning without even bringing the questions to God.  Faith does not have the answers to all the questions and, thus, doubt serves as the playground of faith. It provides an opportunity to ask questions and seek answers while admitting our own limitations.  Faith acknowledges that we do not have all the answers but approaches the fullness of God without the fullness of understanding.

The Christian is not called to fully understand but to fully trust. Simply put, we cannot fully comprehend an infinite God; but, by the Spirit within us, we have faith that His hand is mightier and stronger than our own.  We can and should seek to grow in our wisdom and knowledge, but these will never be proper substitutes for faith.  At some point, our ability to understand will run out and we will have to trust in the nature of God.  Faith and trust, then, are highly linked works in the original language in which Paul writes.  One cannot have faith and not have trust.  The two go hand in hand.  Each appeals to a greater understanding based on the character of the thing in which we put our faith, rather than on the immediate circumstances.

Tracing The Hand of God

Faith comes from the understanding that the assurances and the promises of God have not been given in vain and that God is able to do what he says He can do.  Simplistically speaking, faith is living our lives in a way that acknowledges that the hope of our salvation rests in Christ alone without understanding the details.  We stand in faith of a risen Savior without having been there personally during Jesus’ lifetime to witness his resurrection. Our experience is incomplete but our faith carries us through. Understanding the hand of God in the past helps us to persevere for the future.  By understanding the presence of God throughout history and our role in the story, we can trust and have faith that God continues to to care for his people.  Throughout our lives, everyone will face times of challenge and doubt or times when God feels far off or silent.  Faith expresses itself during these times.  It allows a person to continue to stand in the trust of the goodness of God without necessarily understanding the path that God is taking you down, only that it is God who is guiding you.

Faith is the outpouring of trust. In the Greek, the two words share a root and carry very similar meanings.  We trust God, in faith, based on the presence of God throughout the rest of history. Most of us have past experiences where God has provided for us in some way.  Our faith is also grounded in the message of scripture.  Just as the people of Israel told the stories of the generations to strengthen faith in God, we tell the same stories and share the stories of God’s presence in our lives for the sake of trust and faith.  We trace the hand of God throughout history and see how God has provided and cared for His people in the past.  Understanding how God has worked in the past helps us to persevere for the future.  By understanding the presence of God throughout history and our role in the story, we can trust and have faith that God continues to to care for his people.

For more in this series, check out The Fruit of the Spirit


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