Nobody Special 082 | Union Seminary and Jarrid Wilson

Nobody Special 082 | Union Seminary and Jarrid Wilson

Nobody Special 082 | Union Seminary and Jarrid Wilson

Union Seminary confesses sins to plants. Yes, I said that correctly. Then we talk about the unfortunately events of Jarrid Wilson and how we can be the presence of Christ to those in need.

Union Seminary recently tweeted that they spent their chapel confessing their sins to plants. Does it sound pagan? Absolutely. We look at their history of shenanigans and talk about who we should actually confess to. Spoilers. It’s not plants. Think we are kidding? Here’s the tweet.

Then we look at the tragic death of Jarrid Wilson and talk about how we can show the love of God to those who are struggling with depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. If you have any of those, you are loved by God, you are not alone, talk to someone.

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The Gospel Outpost Presents Nobody Special. 

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