Nobody Special 040: Guardians of the James Gunn

Nobody Special 040: Guardians of the James Gunn

Nobody Special 040: Guardians of the James Gunn

This week Danny goes on an emotional roller coaster, going through everything that makes him cry.  But then we go back to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and all the changes that have gone on this week.  James Gunn has been let go from Guardians of the Galaxy and we think that idea is terrible.  People need grace.  Also, people need other people.  We look at how the the cast stood with their friend and how Christians can be there for one another.  Also, we give a special thank you to everyone who is going off to college and everywhere else.  We appreciate the friends and everyone God has put in our lives.

Talking points this week include

  • Guardians of the Galaxy and firing James Gunn while the cast comes to his support all without condoning his previous behavior.
  • Letters from Listeners:  Classic Joni writes in what our stance is on the Sokovia Accords from Captain America Civil War.
  • Bible Bros!  Ecclesiastes 4:7-16 and what it means to be a part of a family and as a part of the body of Christ with one another.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to everyone who listens to our podcast and shares with your friends.  We appreciate all of our listeners.  Please share us on facebook, instagram, twitter, and everywhere else!  Lets get everyone listening!

The Gospel Outpost Presents Nobody Special.

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