Making All Things New: From The End to Eternity

At the foundation of the world, mankind and God walked in harmony with one another. Yet this harmony did not last long. Mankind began to doubt God and his truthfulness and his goodness. Through one act of sin, the foundation of the world cracked and the introduction of sin into the world ravaged paradise. Violence, death, and destruction became the new normal, things mankind was never intended to experience and could not sustain. Death came for mankind, all because they had become unholy. God, being Holy, could not permit the unholy to be in His presence. Unclean and clear are diametrically incompatible. One cannot exist in the presence of others.
In the throne room of heaven, war had broken out. A rebellion of a third of the angels had risen up against the High King of Heaven thinking that Lucifer would make a mightier ruler. The ensuing battle was big but over swiftly and God cast out Lucifer and his demons to earth. There, he tempted Adam and Eve in the form of a serpent. God cut Lucifer off from all power and authority and at the foundation of the world, an all-knowing God set forth in motion the events that would sacrifice His one and only son to save those the devil sought to destroy. Lucifer had become unholy. God, being Holy, could not permit the unholy to be in His presence. Unclean and clear are diametrically incompatible. One cannot exist in the presence of others.
‘Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”
At the end of time, we will arrive at the beginning of our eternity. Everything that God has done throughout the course of mankind has sought to return humanity to eternity with Him. Out of love, Christ made a way for our salvation, for our redemption, and for our sanctification. All of this in order that we would rest in eternity in the ecstatic presence of God. There is no area that God showed himself to be unsuccessful and no action that was not accounted for beforehand. Jesus Christ was slain before the foundation of the world and heaven will collide with earth in pursuit of the people of God.
Slain Before The Foundation of the World
As the devil was cast out of heaven to earth, the battle had already been fought and lost. At the outset of the creation, Jesus was slain for the salvation of the bible. Revelation describes Jesus as “The Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world.” (Revelation 13:8, NIV). Before the rebellion of Satan, before speaking the earth into existence, the fullness of the Trinity understood what it would take to save the people of God. Jesus would die, defeat death, and speak on behalf of mankind to impart His Holiness to the people. The devil, by his very presence on earth, had failed. The devil did not come with authority or power, but rather a perversion of both and a sharp tongue to mislead people into chaos. In rebelling against the King of Kings and in tempting Adam and Eve to doubt God, death followed the devil and would be the punishment for all who followed after him.
A sovereign and omniscient God is fully able to take death and chaos into consideration in order to return His people to Him and to eternity. Share on XYou see the sovereignty of God in play in the creation of mankind and the world. God took everything into account: the rebellion of Lucifer, the introduction of sin, the fallen state of the world, the covenants, the law, and every other activity. After all, “there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9, NIV) and God has sat before all things. The first sin and every subsequent sin that seemed to remove mankind from the presence of God. Everything has been taken into consideration. A sovereign and omniscient God is fully able to take death and chaos into consideration in order to return His people to Him and to eternity. No action we commit can surprise a God who sent Jesus Christ to die for our salvation before the world began. This is the Messiah that we have faith in. From our perspective, we are catching up to the actions of an all-powerful God who is filled with love and compassion towards you, toward myself, and towards the world.
The Crashing of Heaven Into Earth
God is crashing heaven into earth for the sake of rescuing His people. Christ freed the captives by defeating death and offering salvation. When we experience miracles, we gain a glimpse of heaven crashing into earth. The overlap breaks into the physical and the manifestation of the Kingdom of Heaven becomes apparent. As stunning as this may be, the miracles are only a taste. At the fullness of God, the world will shudder at the presence of an eternal righteousness. God will crash heaven into earth to allow His people safe passage home. This is the core of the message underscoring the works of a loving God. We are not ignored nor are we cast away. The path to righteousness and healing has been cemented by the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The end of time will serve as the beginning of our peace. And we will live in the fullness of God’s love. All from the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Share on XAt the end, we will be restored to our right relationship with God and enter into eternity. There will be a new Heaven and a new earth. They will overlap and exist in unity with one another, there will be no division between the physical and the spiritual and all things will be restored to that first peace. The peace and communion first felt in the Garden of Eden will be restored to right relationship where we will walk with our Heavenly Father. God wants to be with His people and longs to return us to Himself. The end of time will serve as the beginning of our peace. And we will live in the fullness of God’s love. All from the work of Jesus Christ on the cross.