The Gospel of John | Conquered The World – John 16:25-33

Christ advocates for us, on our behalf, and secures the victory over all the world so that we can find our present hope in Him.
At the end of the farewell discourse, the disciples begin to get an understanding of the mission of Jesus Christ (though, to be fair, they still lack understanding). Through the Spirit, those who drew near to God could understand the parables and the teachings of Christ as they reverberated in the soul of those whom God called. However, a day would be coming when the message would be clear and without the use of figures of speech. This is not that God had been withholding but merely that the revelation of God to humanity would become abundantly clear. Jesus would intercede on our behalf before the Father for our sake so that we might know and be known fully and completely.
Christ came to restore right relationship between God and man by taking on the form of man and drawing us back to Himself. As the love of the Father is given to Jesus Christ, the love of the Father extends to those who are in Christ. Thus, through the work of Jesus Christ going to the cross, all things remain fully under the feet of Jesus Christ who has conquered all things in all places. Everything is subject to the sovereign rule and reign of God who is victorious as God and man, both incarnate. Jesus has warned the disciples that a time would be coming when they would face difficulties. They would see their Savior crucified on a cross and buried. Yet, this would not be the end. The cross, although it would appear to be defeat at first, would be the path to the victory of Jesus Christ. Now, nothing would separate those whom God draws to Himself and the world cannot limit to destroy our relationship with God as Christ has declared victory over all creation.
Being With The Father In Christ
Jesus tells the disciples that the Father’s love comes to Him as He and the Father are one. Jesus did not come to bring a tiered structure of access to the Father but rather to provide access to the Father. The goal is not more separation but a return to right standing and right relationship with the Father. This comes only through faith in Jesus Christ, having been marked by the Holy Spirit. The Father loves the Son. Those who abide in the Son abide also in the love of the Father. Jesus’ coming and willful work on the cross sought to establish the relationship between God and man. Where sin had once fractured the standing between God and man, Jesus Christ took on flesh and become man to restore the relationship once and for all. A time is coming when the truth will not need to be veiled behind imagery and parables but rather Christ will speak and reveal plainly the will of the Father. Christ’s relationship with the Father who speak clearly to God’s presence in the world. Furthermore, Christ will send the Paraclete to reside within the heart

The Christian whose faith is in Jesus Christ has access to the Father through the Son. From the beginning of creation, the relationship between God and man had been severed through the introduction of sin. God had removed Adam and Eve from Garden of Eden for grace. The unadulterated presence of God would have obliterated any form of imperfection and unholiness that stood before Him. Now, in Jesus Christ, who declares us to be justified by His works, not our own, stands before the Father and advocates for us who are in Him. Our right standing of relationship is founded on the grace of God by the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is our security, our hope, and our faith. As Jesus advocates for us to the Father, we abide in Christ to stand before the Father as one with Christ. Rather than adding layers to approach the throne of God, in Christ, we can approach the throne of grace with confidence knowing that Jesus Christ brings us to stand before the Father as a people who have been justified by faith secured in the works of Jesus Christ.
- What is Jesus’ ongoing relationship with the Father and His eternal ministry in the throne room of heaven?
The Hope of Future Life
The work of Christ sought to secure victory over all the earth and over all creation. Previously, the world had been infected with the disease of sin. It dwelt in the hearts of men and corrupted the soul as people turned from God to their own selfish desires. Furthermore, the rules of darkness and the forces of evil seemed to rule and reign over creation, bringing down the prized creation of God by luring them to abandon the faith. Now, the work of Jesus Christ would bring all things back to Himself. Christ would bring with Him the victory that comes by defeating the grasp of sin and death on the world. At the end of Christ’s work on the cross, nothing would be able to separate the disciples from the presence of God. The strength to face whatever challenged stood before them would come from knowing that Jesus Christ has already secured the eternal victory through His work of drawing mankind to Himself.

The Christian whose faith is in Jesus Christ lays claim to the victory that has been secured in the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Jesus’ command to take heart exhorts the believer to find a foundation of strength in the victory of Jesus Christ has been achieved since the foundations of the earth. As we approach our eternal home in the presence of God, we can walk with confidence that whatever we face today, Christ already reigns victorious. We will face temptations to abandon the faith. Other people will persecute us and mock us because of our faith. At times, this will be incredibly disheartening and demoralizing. Yet, do not lose heart and do not give up hope. Like the disciples, what will look like defeat at first will only be used for our victory. The victory of Jesus Christ over all the earth will supply us the strength we need to persevere into our eternal glory. Christ is the hope of our future and the strength we need to carry on. Christ is our strength and our victory is secured in Jesus Christ. Nothing this world throws at us will be able to usurp the power of Christ and our standing before the Father in Him!
- What is the source of our strength and victory?
Discussion Questions
- What role does the Father play in our salvation? The Son? The Holy Spirit?
- What do you face that feels insurmountable? How does Jesus Christ give you the strength to endure?
- How should the Christian endure the difficulties that we face and how can we communicate the Gospel to those around us?
- Why is it important for the Christian to align our faith and life with the expression of the Gospel in us and through us?

About The Author
Daniel Burton is the founder of The Gospel Outpost. He is passionate about discipleship and seeing people grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. To find out more about him, check out his Author Page.