Category: Blog


Advent: The Coming of Hope

With four weeks until Christmas, the Christian Church enters a time referred as “Advent.”  Advent, which means “coming,” is a time of preparation and celebration as we anticipate and celebrate the coming of our Savior in the form of a child, born in a manger.  If you were in a church on Sunday, more than…
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Enough: I Have Had Enough

So, here I sit.  It is 2:30am and my mind is racing.  Not in a bad way either.  Today has been marked, all day, by merely conversations about God.  Conversations of where faith and life violently collide.  And in the midst of that, one of the most honest conversations took place where two people could…
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Enough: Are You Enough?

We have come to God knowing that we are not enough but that God loves us despite whatever we do.  Yet, for whatever reason, we can know that God’s love for us goes beyond our ability to earn it and still hesitate to give Him our lives.  There is a deep seeded fear that God is not…
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Enough: Am I Good Enough?

The first time I had applied to enter into the Pastor training program, I was flat out rejected.  This was odd because, for me, I had believed I heard the call of God.  Others had affirmed it in me.  I was encouraged that I would get in no problem.  So, confidently walking in, I was…
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Masks: Fitting In

Honestly speaking, I was terrified to let people in high school know I was a Christian.  Mostly, I was afraid that they judge me or push me away.  There was a deeply seeded fear of not fitting in.  Doing anything that would affect my ability to “fit in” was not a thing I was interested in since I never really…
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The Added Yeast

The Added Yeast

This past Sunday, audiences were huddled around their television for the Season 7 premier of The Walking Dead. People were left wondering for months on end who would be the next character who would face their inevitable demise at the hands of a madman. While the answer to the fated question was revealed, the death…
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Masks: Strongman

Body building competitions are always somewhat fascinating to me.  You have people who have dedicated years of their life to developing and toning all the parts of their body.  They strive to ensure that every ripple is seen and then spend an inordinate amount of time bronzing and oiling for the competition.  The result: something…
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Masks: Put Together

With the recent trend of scary clowns, people have become more and more aware of the presence of masks.  As these clowns, masquerading as something they are not, wander the streets late at night, they are able to instill a sense of fear into those around them.  Yet, to be perfectly honest, no one actually believes…
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Participant or Consumer

Participant or Consumer: Living Authentically

There was something about Will Smith’s song Gettin’ Jiggy With It, that parents and older adults tried to keep using it to relate to the younger teens.   Which feels totally unfair, since I don’t think it was THAT bad of a song.  But you saw people over enthusiastically informing teens that they are “Jiggy…
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Participant or Consumer

Participant or Consumer: Play The Game, Don’t Just Watch

I have never thought it was particular effective to bring someone to church and let pastor bring them to Jesus.  There are too many steps in this process.  Most people come to a true and genuine decision to dedicate their lives from the invitation of someone  they know, someone in their immediate surrounding community.  Sure,…
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