Category: Daniel Burton

James 5:1-12 Patience in Suffering

We will at some point experience the corruption of others around us.  Yet, this should not shake our faith.  The God we serve is an eternal God who is drawing all things to Himself.  At the end of time itself, it is God who will stand in Judgment over the wicked and the righteous.  Until then, we must not fall into the same trap as the wicked in pursuing gain, but remain steadfast and patient waiting on the Lord, speaking with wholeness and integrity. James continues to discuss the connection between faith and works, specifically in the face of the wealth and power that the world offers.  Our God is eternal and our strength comes from God whose strength will never run out.  

Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit

The Seven Last Words of Christ: Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit

I like to believe that everyone held out hope until the very end.  Surely, this was not how the Savior would die.  This was not the death befitting a King, let alone the Savior of mankind.  Had Jesus’ mission failed?  Was this a sign that the reasons Christ came had not been accomplished?  For us today, we are able to review scripture and see that the death of Jesus Christ did not indicate that the mission had failed but rather that the consequences of our sins had been fulfilled.  Christ died a grueling death, arduous and straining for His last breaths until the end.  This was the moment, the crescendo of all human history coming to an apex here.  The world would be forever changed by the events of today and the spiritual fates of mankind would awaken to the fullness of a relationship with our Heavenly Father. Yet, in this moment, there was the pain of the people standing by watching friend, son, teacher, and prophet’s life come to a brutal close.  Even worse, Jesus died on the cross, a sinners death, trusting in the fullness of God.  

Faith and Works: James 4:13-17

James 4:13-17 Leave Room For God

James continues his discussion of wisdom and how we apply it to our lives as Christians. James begins with a rhetorical question challenging to the reader to take a look inward and ask “Am I wise?”  Wisdom goes beyond a simple understanding of what is right.  While wisdom includes understanding, it goes beyond that.  Wisdom, and thus a wise person, applies what they have learned.  Yet, this wisdom is easily contrasted with the wisdom of the world.  The world will encourage us to pursue selfish gain over and at the expense of others.  The wisdom of Heaven, though, strives for a greater and deeper expression of a life changed and redeemed by an everlasting God.  

The Seven Last Words of Christ: It Is Finished

The Seven Last Words of Christ: It Is Finished

Jesus cried out for His Father in Heaven to rescue Him.  Christ, being fully God, understood that it would have been a simple task to bring a miraculous rescue to this excruciating circumstance.  Yet, the Hand of God stayed.  Jesus would die on the cross.  The consequences of sin would fall on Him.  The Father sent the Son explicitly for this purpose.  Mankind would be better for it.  

Faith and Works: James 4:1-12

James 4:1-12 Submitting To God

James continues his discussion of wisdom and how we apply it to our lives as Christians. James begins with a rhetorical question challenging to the reader to take a look inward and ask “Am I wise?”  Wisdom goes beyond a simple understanding of what is right.  While wisdom includes understanding, it goes beyond that.  Wisdom, and thus a wise person, applies what they have learned.  Yet, this wisdom is easily contrasted with the wisdom of the world.  The world will encourage us to pursue selfish gain over and at the expense of others.  The wisdom of Heaven, though, strives for a greater and deeper expression of a life changed and redeemed by an everlasting God.  

The Seven Last Words of Christ: I Thirst

The Seven Last Words of Christ: I Thirst

Jesus cried out for His Father in Heaven to rescue Him.  Christ, being fully God, understood that it would have been a simple task to bring a miraculous rescue to this excruciating circumstance.  Yet, the Hand of God stayed.  Jesus would die on the cross.  The consequences of sin would fall on Him.  The Father sent the Son explicitly for this purpose.  Mankind would be better for it.  

The Seven Last Words of Christ: Why Have You Forsaken me?

The Seven Last Words of Christ: Why Have You Forsaken Me

Jesus cried out for His Father in Heaven to rescue Him.  Christ, being fully God, understood that it would have been a simple task to bring a miraculous rescue to this excruciating circumstance.  Yet, the Hand of God stayed.  Jesus would die on the cross.  The consequences of sin would fall on Him.  The Father sent the Son explicitly for this purpose.  Mankind would be better for it.  

Seven Last Words of Jesus Christ: Here Is Your Mother

The Seven Last Words of Christ: Here Is Your Mother

Parents are not supposed to bury their children.  This situation, more so than the rest, was not supposed to happen.  Innocent are not supposed to be punished.  Gods are not supposed to be killed. Jesus understood that His mission and goals were expressly different than how the world expected Him to be and do.  He simply could not leave without caring for Mary and ensuring that she would be taken care of.  Thus, He looked to John, the Beloved, to care for Mary as he would his own mother.  Through the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the two would be bound together not as acquaintances or friends, but as family cares for one another.

The Seven Last Words of Christ: With Me In Paradise

People have different reactions to encountering the King of Kings.  Furthermore, this situation showed itself to be particularly unique.  There, two criminals hung surrounding the Savior.  The consequences of the first criminal’s crimes had caught up to him and drove him to insanity. He mocked Jesus, an innocent man dying the death of a guilty man.  The second, though, responded differently.  He chastised the first criminal and sought to gain the attention of Jesus.  For everything he was going through, the second criminal saw the face of an innocent man, but even more so, he saw the face of the Savior of mankind.    

Father Forgive Them

The Seven Last Words of Christ: Father Forgive Them

He was crucified that day, a particularly brutal and bloody process.  All of this having been whipped, beaten, and bloodied long before His crucifixion.  No one could bring any true charge against Him and instead levied lies and falsehoods as the means of His judgment.  When it came time to crucify Him, he was placed in between two criminals, the people seeing Christ as nothing more than a mere criminal.  There, the mocking and pain continued.  Yet, it was the response of Jesus that stunned the crowd and epitomized the mission that Jesus came to complete.