Hope In Exile | Responding to Pain – 1 Peter 3:8-12
Jesus Christ came to love those who hated Him. We, similarly as exiles in our modern culture can show love to those who strike up because God loved us first.
Jesus Christ came to love those who hated Him. We, similarly as exiles in our modern culture can show love to those who strike up because God loved us first.
The marriage relationship that seeks to glorify and honor God will stand out from that of the rest of the culture and serve as a witness to the Gospel that elevates everyone to be with God forever.
We pursue Christ as people free to do so, not needing to defend ourselves, knowing that everything we need is secured in Jesus Christ.
We pursue Christ as people free to do so, not needing to defend ourselves, knowing that everything we need is secured in Jesus Christ.
We follow the foundational example of Jesus Christ who had been despised by the world but pursued something greater and different that the message of the world, joining the body of believers for all time, rejecting our past life for the glory of a new life in Jesus Christ.
We can live holy lives and love one another because Jesus Christ is holy and loves us first.
As members of the body of Christ, we are not alone in our faith and join the saints throughout all time to dwell in the goodness and glory of God through all time.
Jesus Christ restores us to right relationship with Him and empowers us to join His already victorious mission.
Jesus Christ restores us to right relationship with Him and empowers us to join His already victorious mission.
Jesus Christ restores us to right relationship with Him and empowers us to join His already victorious mission.