
Nobody Special 030: The Boys Do A Cuss

Nobody Special 030: The Boys Do A Cuss

This week, the boys of Nobody Special take on the profound topic of swearing and the power of words.  Which proves to be incredibly difficult as we don’t want to lose our clean tag in the process. So we do it all without actually saying the really bad words, which would be a failure.  Speaking of failure, we also look at what it means to fail and whether we are a failure or not from doing so.  All in all, God gives us and we in turn can give grace to one another.  We all struggle with some kind of sin and wrestle with the topic of our speech.  So be gentle to yourself and to others.  

The Seven Last Words of Christ: Why Have You Forsaken me?

The Seven Last Words of Christ: Why Have You Forsaken Me

Jesus cried out for His Father in Heaven to rescue Him.  Christ, being fully God, understood that it would have been a simple task to bring a miraculous rescue to this excruciating circumstance.  Yet, the Hand of God stayed.  Jesus would die on the cross.  The consequences of sin would fall on Him.  The Father sent the Son explicitly for this purpose.  Mankind would be better for it.  

Seven Last Words of Jesus Christ: Here Is Your Mother

The Seven Last Words of Christ: Here Is Your Mother

Parents are not supposed to bury their children.  This situation, more so than the rest, was not supposed to happen.  Innocent are not supposed to be punished.  Gods are not supposed to be killed. Jesus understood that His mission and goals were expressly different than how the world expected Him to be and do.  He simply could not leave without caring for Mary and ensuring that she would be taken care of.  Thus, He looked to John, the Beloved, to care for Mary as he would his own mother.  Through the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the two would be bound together not as acquaintances or friends, but as family cares for one another.

Nobody Special 029: Finding God in Parkland, Politics, and Pain

Nobody Special 029: Finding God in Parkland, Politics, and Pain

This week, the boys of Nobody Special do everything in their power to not land a joke. Caleb and Danny discuss everything going on in the world today from Selfies to Space and what we do on the weekends.  Saturday is for the boys but Sunday is for the Lord.  Caleb and Danny look at the Sabbath and the effects of both taking one and not taking one.  They discuss their own past struggles with taking a sabbath and give encouraging advice on how to best take one.

Then its quiz time!  Caleb has to figure out if quotes are from Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard or from rapper Kanye West. It is oddly much harder than you think it would be.  

Happy February everyone going through some form of True Love Waits.  

The Seven Last Words of Christ: With Me In Paradise

People have different reactions to encountering the King of Kings.  Furthermore, this situation showed itself to be particularly unique.  There, two criminals hung surrounding the Savior.  The consequences of the first criminal’s crimes had caught up to him and drove him to insanity. He mocked Jesus, an innocent man dying the death of a guilty man.  The second, though, responded differently.  He chastised the first criminal and sought to gain the attention of Jesus.  For everything he was going through, the second criminal saw the face of an innocent man, but even more so, he saw the face of the Savior of mankind.    

Father Forgive Them

The Seven Last Words of Christ: Father Forgive Them

He was crucified that day, a particularly brutal and bloody process.  All of this having been whipped, beaten, and bloodied long before His crucifixion.  No one could bring any true charge against Him and instead levied lies and falsehoods as the means of His judgment.  When it came time to crucify Him, he was placed in between two criminals, the people seeing Christ as nothing more than a mere criminal.  There, the mocking and pain continued.  Yet, it was the response of Jesus that stunned the crowd and epitomized the mission that Jesus came to complete.

Nobody Special 028: Kanye or Kierkegaard

This week, the boys of Nobody Special do everything in their power to not land a joke. Caleb and Danny discuss everything going on in the world today from Selfies to Space and what we do on the weekends.  Saturday is for the boys but Sunday is for the Lord.  Caleb and Danny look at the Sabbath and the effects of both taking one and not taking one.  They discuss their own past struggles with taking a sabbath and give encouraging advice on how to best take one.

Then its quiz time!  Caleb has to figure out if quotes are from Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard or from rapper Kanye West. It is oddly much harder than you think it would be.  

Happy February everyone going through some form of True Love Waits.  

Luke 5:1-11 Abundant Obedience

Luke 5:1-11 Abundant Obedience

As the famed teacher had finishing speaking, he looks directly at Peter and told him cast out his nets.  How could this be?  They had been fishing all night and caught nothing of any substance for their evenings work.  There were simply no fish.  While Peter protested he still remaining obedient to the words of Jesus Christ.  They made no sense to a fisherman, but to a God, the catch was merely an act of obedience.  While he acted in obedience, the results were beyond the expectation of Peter’s imagination.

Making All Things new: From The End to Eternity

Making All Things New: From The End to Eternity

At the end of time, we will arrive at the beginning of our eternity.  Everything that God has done throughout the course of mankind has sought to return humanity to eternity with Him.  Out of love, Christ made a way for our salvation, for our redemption, and for our sanctification.  All of this in order that we would rest in eternity in the ecstatic presence of God.  There is no area that God showed himself to be unsuccessful and no action that was not accounted for before hand.  Jesus Christ was slain before the foundation of the world and heaven will collide with earth in pursuit of the people of God.

Nobody Special 027: How To Be Better Than Google At Evangelism

The boys of Nobody Special are looking at the hard hitting questions that the world is asking.  Specifically, looking into the cultural phenomenons that are Tide Pods, Star Wars dating characters, and whether Alexa, Siri, and Cortana all hate Christians.  Apparently there are videos circulating around the internet of Alexa having no idea who Jesus Christ is but having an ability to give full lectures on every other faith.  So we look at what a Christian’s response should be and whether we should, frankly, even care.