The Revelation of Jesus Christ – The First Two Woes – Revelation 9:1-21
In the first four trumpets, the earth endured the punishment for the sin with a third of the world being wiped out from the first four trumpets. The earth felt the effects of sin which cannot withstand God’s judgment. Through the initial actions of Adam and Eve and our continued sin, we subject the earth to the judgment of God that undoubtedly will not go unnoticed by the people. After these trumpets, the angel delivered a solemn warning of what was to come; woe to those who dwell on the earth. For the next two trumpets, mankind receives the beginning of their judgment for their sin and rebellion. God takes the issue of sin extremely serious. Sin is unholy rebellion against the things of God and goes against our intended creation of how God made the world to function. Hence, the first act of God to repair the effects of sin came in the form of sending Jesus Christ to die as the lamb of God to take away the sins of the world. Now, the land of God stands in judgment over the world for those who do not find their identity in Him. With the sounding of the fifth and sixth trumpet, those who persist to follow other gods will find themselves experiencing the fullness of God’s judgment but they are not outside of the reach of the hand of Jesus Christ to provide grace.