Tag: Sin

The Book of James: Faith and Works - James 1:19-27

James 1:19-27 Input and Output

James begins to look at the input and output of our religion.  He reinforces the idea that whatever a person allows to rule inside of them will naturally flow through them.  There is a natual expression of the change in our identity that occurs with Jesus Christ.  Whlie James isn’t claiming that it is works that save us, he does state plainly that it is the works that show our faith, for good or bad.  Whatever we allow in to shape our identity will be the thing that is expressed through what we do.  Furthermore, this is not a passive process but an intentional shaping and molding as we allow the word of God to become implanted deep into our spiritual DNA.  

The Book of James: Faith and Works - James 1:12-18

James 1:12-18 Dealing With Temptation

Every person seeking to follow Christ will most assuredly encounter tempation along the way.  This is an unavoidable fact that we must be willing to deal with.  It is during these times of temptation that what we believe about God and about His salvation becomes clear.  We quickly see what the things we turn to are and who we blame for our situation.  But James makes it clear, that being able to stand up in the face of temptation is a valiant expression of our faith; one that leads to eternal glory.  Furthermore, God is there every step of the way through our times of temptation to see us through to the other side.  

Nobody Special: The Podcast

Nobody Special 015: Four Ways To Keep on Sinning

Everyone panic! There is a solar eclipse coming up.  Is it a sign of impending doom and judgment or just a reason that people use to consume alcohol midday.  Caleb and Danny talk about the struggles of temptation and sin and consider the different ways to get out of sin.  Or, we talk about how to stay in it.  

Also, Game of Thrones is very popular right now, but neither of us are watching it so instead we give our various theories on how Westeros connects with the Marvel Cinematic University.  Is Tyrion Lannister a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy?  We are not sure, we only saw half the movie.  

Subscribe to us on iTunes, Google Play, and wherever else you get podcasts from.  

Hope of Sins Defeated

Hope: Sins Defeated

God’s goal is not to merely keep us from sinning.  This missing the grand purpose of Christ’s coming.  Just as wiping the dirt of clothes does not make them clean, getting us to stop sinning does not mean we are sanctified.  The purpose of Christ’s coming was to return us to Him, fully and completely.  Our sin separated us from the holiness of God.  The hope in our victory over sin rests fully in the work of Jesus Christ having already conquered sin.


Enough: I Have Had Enough

So, here I sit.  It is 2:30am and my mind is racing.  Not in a bad way either.  Today has been marked, all day, by merely conversations about God.  Conversations of where faith and life violently collide.  And in the midst of that, one of the most honest conversations took place where two people could…
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Follow Part 4: Into Nineveh

When I started this series “Follow” I had a clear direction I wanted to go in.  Actually, honestly speaking, I wrote the last one first.  The idea was going to be to build to that moment where we are Following Jesus to get to this final point.  Yet, the more I kicked the idea around in…
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Follow Part 3: Through The Storm

White water rafting guides always seem crazy when you first meet them.  I mean no offense by that either.  Their dress and appearance are those who are looking for an exciting thrilling adventure, all without sleeves and sometimes without shoes.  For a guy like me who doesn’t frequently go down white water rafting, this can…
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Follow Part 2: Take Up Your Cross

I never have an answer to the question “What is your 10 year plan.”  I do have directions and things I am interested in doing, but a 10 year plan, I don’t have a mapped out plan of “success” as it were.  Usually these are plans to survive and thrive financially and secure yourself in…
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