Tag: Security

Luke 5:1-11 Abundant Obedience

Luke 5:1-11 Abundant Obedience

As the famed teacher had finishing speaking, he looks directly at Peter and told him cast out his nets.  How could this be?  They had been fishing all night and caught nothing of any substance for their evenings work.  There were simply no fish.  While Peter protested he still remaining obedient to the words of Jesus Christ.  They made no sense to a fisherman, but to a God, the catch was merely an act of obedience.  While he acted in obedience, the results were beyond the expectation of Peter’s imagination.

Hope The End of Pain

Hope: The End of Pain

God, after paving a way, created a home. The new heaven and the new earth would be home for those who follow Christ. Whatever pain we feel, whatever struggles we endure, are temporary. Our true hope rests in the unchanging and everlasting God who has secured our eternity. We can hold our heads high and focus our gaze on the promise and hope of our everlasting.