The Gospel of John | The Death and Burial of Jesus Christ – John 19:28-42
Jesus died as the perfect sacrifice once and for all as the King of Kings.
Jesus died as the perfect sacrifice once and for all as the King of Kings.
Jesus Christ reigns sovereignly, even over death, as our King and High Priest and establishes a new family for those in Him.
Jesus Christ stood against. the affirmation of the world in His rightful authority as King of the Universe.
Jesus would be condemned though innocent as the Passover lamb slaughtered on behalf of the guilty that they might go free.
Jesus, acting as the true High Priest, stood on behalf of witness bearing falsehood of His name, taking our punishment upon Himself.
Jesus Christ serves as the Second Adam, undoing the works began in the Garden of Eden with the works beginning in the Garden of Gethsemane
The work of Jesus Christ on the cross paid the penalty of our sin. Where sin required a punishment of death, Jesus Christ came to bear the weight of that punishment on Himself, a punishment we could not sufficiently pay. In our rebellion against God, God made the first move to save and rescue mankind from the eternal consequences of our sin. The Old Testament paved the path for this substitutional atonement, but only the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross would be fully sufficient to meet the righteous requirements of holiness to return to the presence of God forever.
Sin has been woven into our nature and into our DNA, leaving us guilty of sinful nature and turning our hearts away from the King. Rebellion against the King should always be treated as a full on insurrection and an attack on the rule of the holy King of the Universe. Sin, then, any amount of sin, must be punished with death. There can be no alternative that would be sufficient to satisfy the righteous requirements from a Holy and perfect god.
Prayer centers our heart in submission to God by bringing Him the fullness of our desires and knowing that God is greater than all those things.
Prayer centers our heart in submission to God by bringing Him the fullness of our desires and knowing that God is greater than all those things.