Tag: God

The Book of James: Faith and Works - James 1:19-27

James 1:19-27 Input and Output

James begins to look at the input and output of our religion.  He reinforces the idea that whatever a person allows to rule inside of them will naturally flow through them.  There is a natual expression of the change in our identity that occurs with Jesus Christ.  Whlie James isn’t claiming that it is works that save us, he does state plainly that it is the works that show our faith, for good or bad.  Whatever we allow in to shape our identity will be the thing that is expressed through what we do.  Furthermore, this is not a passive process but an intentional shaping and molding as we allow the word of God to become implanted deep into our spiritual DNA.  

The Book of James: Faith and Works - James 1:12-18

James 1:12-18 Dealing With Temptation

Every person seeking to follow Christ will most assuredly encounter tempation along the way.  This is an unavoidable fact that we must be willing to deal with.  It is during these times of temptation that what we believe about God and about His salvation becomes clear.  We quickly see what the things we turn to are and who we blame for our situation.  But James makes it clear, that being able to stand up in the face of temptation is a valiant expression of our faith; one that leads to eternal glory.  Furthermore, God is there every step of the way through our times of temptation to see us through to the other side.  

Everyone Did As They Saw Fit

Everyone Did As They Saw Fit

For the people of Israel, they had entered into a period before King Saul but after Joshua had led them into the promise land.  By God’s miraculous hand, the people were not only saved from the Egyptians, but were under the constant guidance and protection of God during the process.  When they arrived at the promise land, their victory was secured by the hand of God as a display of His sovereignty and might.  When the author of Judges claims that Israel had no King, it is a harsh indictment of the people whose Sovereign King had led them.  They abandoned God for the chaos of everyone pursuing their own desires and wishes.


Enough: Are You Enough?

We have come to God knowing that we are not enough but that God loves us despite whatever we do.  Yet, for whatever reason, we can know that God’s love for us goes beyond our ability to earn it and still hesitate to give Him our lives.  There is a deep seeded fear that God is not…
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Enough: Am I Good Enough?

The first time I had applied to enter into the Pastor training program, I was flat out rejected.  This was odd because, for me, I had believed I heard the call of God.  Others had affirmed it in me.  I was encouraged that I would get in no problem.  So, confidently walking in, I was…
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The Power of God’s Grace

God’s Grace, what is it exactly. Some may be confused by topic. What does it mean? How does it work? God’s Grace is an intangible sign of God’s love for each and every one of us. It, like God’s presence is all around us and is here to provide people with the peace they deserve.…
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Broken Part 3: The Restoration of Creation

With the thoughts of brokenness and emptiness we can easily seem to think that we are at the center of the Universe’s attention.  This isn’t to trivialize our struggles, for they are indeed very difficult.  Our brokenness is a real brokenness.  In the larger scheme of the world and in creation, we see a larger brokenness that…
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Broken Part 2: Powerlessness Gives Way To Godly Power

At the beginning of creation, we were made to have dominion over the world.  We were made to rule over the creation that God had given to those who bore the divine image of God. Being made in the image of God granted us the rights and authority from God.  We were given the task of…
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Broken Part 1: Until Nothing Is Left But Everything

I hate when people talk about how Jesus loves our brokenness with a bright shining smile on their face.  Probably this isn’t the most Christian thing to say but it bothers me. Personally, I have been through seasons in which God was breaking me.  I guess, more aptly put, I hope that the particular season…
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