Tag: Faith

Episode 36: Getting Angry at Inappropriate Kids Movies

Nobody Special 036: Getting Angry at Inappropriate Children’s Movies

This week, Danny and Caleb record early so we do our best to have not-dated content (not that there is anything wrong with that) and then miss everything that happened this week.  Would have been fun to talk about some of it.  Oh well!  Instead, we discuss what is important in life; inappropriate children’s movies.  The movie Show Dogs thought it would be good to include commentary on fondling genitals… in a kids movie. I know! Weird right?  

Nobody Special 035: Laurel, Yanny, or Bethel?

This week Caleb and Danny answer the question that everyone is asking and nobody really cares about; Laurel or Yanny?  We don’t like that we are looking in to that, but hey, why not? Also, Danny dives in to his love of a children’s worship album and discusses the important of theological significance even in the midst of emotional pieces.  props go out to Bethel Kids, now Bright Ones, for a stellar album and for the talented voice of Peyton Allen.  Seriously. Awesome and you should all go check it out.  Finally, we look at the connection between our faith and our works and how the two are connected.  How should the Christian strive to conduct their lives and do our works even matter.

Nobody Special 034: Feminism, Faith, and Facts

Nobody Special 034: Feminism, Faith, and Facts

This week, in an effort to not be offense, we tackle the minefield of sexism, feminism, and where faith falls in to this situation.  Discrimination of any form is ungodly and not in keeping with the person of God and the gospel.  We must present truth but we must present truth with love.  Furthermore, if we are seeking unity, we must seek unity with Jesus Christ as the basis for our equality.

Nobody Special 033: Stan Lee and the Great Commission

Nobody Special 033: Stan Lee and The Great Commission

Stan Lee, beloved creator of Marvel Comics, has been in the new recently as many people complete for his inheritance as one of the most convoluted stories unfolds.  We look at people’s heart for money and power as a means of self validation and why tithing is so important.  Even more, we look at the recent story that Christians do not know what The Great Commission is.  Making disciples, much like raising children, is a generational task of not only getting a person to a point but also getting them to thrive and produce others.  Disciples make disciples who make disciples.

Faith and Works: James 5:13-20

James 5:13-20 The Need for One Another

As James concludes his letter, he discusses the need for one another as put our faith on full display.  Throughout the course of James’ letter, he has constantly exhorted his readers to take the faith they held in their soul and express it outward.  Yet, as a member of the body of Christ, we are not to go through our spiritual path on our own.  We are guided by the mentors and leaders who have gone before us to show us how to walk in our faith.  We have our peers and friends to hold one another up and challenge one another along the way.  Furthermore, we guide those who come after us.  For the Christian to successfully be connected to his or her Christian community, there is a minimum of three generations of interaction, each one providing different opportunities and challenges for the believer.  

Luke 5:12-26

Luke 5:12-26 Sin and Sickness

In Luke 5:12-26, Jesus engages in two miracles of healing.  First, there was the leper, who, under normal circumstances, would be unable to even approach Jesus.  They were unclean and regarded as a leper largely because of their sins.  Jesus called this same person to Himself in order to heal the sickness and disease.  Moreso, Jesus ordered the leper to present himself to the priests to verify the miracle and the forgiveness.  Immediately after this story, Luke continues with the well known story of the paralyzed man, lowered from the roof.  Knowing that he was being watched by the Pharisees and the scribes of the law, Jesus took the opportunity to put the fullness of his presence and personhood to the crowd.

Nobody Special 032: Youtube Shooting and Oyster Shucking

Nobody Special 032: Youtube Shooting and Oyster Shucking

Danny has a new business adventure and it will blow your mind!  Oyster shucking is a real phenomenon that is way more prevalent than any person could every think.  Meanwhile, Caleb doesn’t get on board the oyster shucking train.  And rightfully so.  But don’t worry, we are fully committed to this podcast and providing you with the quality content we always do.  Nay. We are committed to improving and providing you with good content.  

Next we look at the events in the world today and the recent shooting that occurred at Youtube.  Exploring the motives of the person, we look at human nature and the superiority complex and the victimhood complex.  Neither of these are particularly helpful for humanity.  

With Easter, Christ has reigned victorious over all creation and we are forever indebted to Him.  We can value humanity as made in the image of God and know that everyone has value in the eyes of God.  

The Death and Life of Jesus Christ

The Death and Life of Jesus Christ

The angel sat on the stone and informed the women of Jesus’ resurrection.  The women ran and told the disciples who investigated and reported that Jesus no longer resided in the grave.  The word spread throughout the country for all to hear; Jesus rose from the grave.  He had returned.  Over the next few days he appeared to His disciples and various other persons and they experienced the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Where once the King died, now He reigns victorious over heaven and earth, over death and life.

James 5:1-12 Patience in Suffering

We will at some point experience the corruption of others around us.  Yet, this should not shake our faith.  The God we serve is an eternal God who is drawing all things to Himself.  At the end of time itself, it is God who will stand in Judgment over the wicked and the righteous.  Until then, we must not fall into the same trap as the wicked in pursuing gain, but remain steadfast and patient waiting on the Lord, speaking with wholeness and integrity. James continues to discuss the connection between faith and works, specifically in the face of the wealth and power that the world offers.  Our God is eternal and our strength comes from God whose strength will never run out.  

Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit

The Seven Last Words of Christ: Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit

I like to believe that everyone held out hope until the very end.  Surely, this was not how the Savior would die.  This was not the death befitting a King, let alone the Savior of mankind.  Had Jesus’ mission failed?  Was this a sign that the reasons Christ came had not been accomplished?  For us today, we are able to review scripture and see that the death of Jesus Christ did not indicate that the mission had failed but rather that the consequences of our sins had been fulfilled.  Christ died a grueling death, arduous and straining for His last breaths until the end.  This was the moment, the crescendo of all human history coming to an apex here.  The world would be forever changed by the events of today and the spiritual fates of mankind would awaken to the fullness of a relationship with our Heavenly Father. Yet, in this moment, there was the pain of the people standing by watching friend, son, teacher, and prophet’s life come to a brutal close.  Even worse, Jesus died on the cross, a sinners death, trusting in the fullness of God. Â