Tag: Faith

Rise Up | Everyone On Mission For The Glory of God

Rise Up | Everyone on Mission for the Glory of God

Just as we breathe, we must both spiritually inhale and exhale in order to thrive, we do so spiritually by what we take in and what we express outward.

Rise Up | The Dead Sea of Inexpression

Rise Up | The Dead Sea of Inexpression

Just as we breathe, we must both spiritually inhale and exhale in order to thrive, we do so spiritually by what we take in and what we express outward.

Rise Up | Dying To Self to Live Missional

Rise Up | Dying To The Self To Live Missional

The hope of Jesus Christ defeats the empire that rules over people so that we might return to God.

What A Difference A Year Makes

What a difference a year makes. At the start of 2019, I had a fair amount of plans and ideas for where I thought the Lord was leading me. In keeping with the regular pattern of my life, none of them actually happened.

Kanye's Faith

Kanye’s Faith

2,000 years ago, the Pharisees heaped requirements for salvation on people they could not possibly bear. Now, Kanye West proclaims his faith in Jesus Christ, produces an album called Jesus is King. Now, “sensible” Christians have heaped more and more requirements on Kanye to “prove” his conversion is real. My brothers and sisters, have we become the Pharisees?

The Hardening of Hearts

The Hardening of Hearts

This idea in the book of Exodus of hearts hardening terrifies me to my core. The idea of persistent sin and willful disobedience to God resulting in a hardening of my own heart to the things of the Lord intimidates and scares me to my core. My faith and hope rests in the Lord and I firmly believe He is the King over all creation and that His death on the cross counted for me. Yet, I must admit that there are sins that still seem to be a persistent struggle. Sins that, for whatever reason, I have not seemed to be able to kick for a while. My fear in these is that one day, my heart will become hardened to the effects of sin. We must not put any trust in following our own heart, as we know that our heart craves the things of the flesh and leads us towards our own destruction. Yet, by the work of Jesus Christ on the cross, by the power of the Holy Spirit, God does not leave us in our condemnation but provides a new heart for us.

Protecting Innocence in "Good Boys"

Protecting Innocence in “Good Boys”

New chapters can be difficult. We step into the unknown, trusting that God has actually planned our steps and believing that His plan will never fail us. Going off to college is undoubtedly met with both excitement as far as you wander into this new stage. Furthermore, remember God sustains everything, through the highs and lows. You are never alone and never beyond God’s grace or ability to love, guide, and protect you. He is a loving King jealously pursues you.

Fearing The Right Thing

Fearing The Right Thing

New chapters can be difficult. We step into the unknown, trusting that God has actually planned our steps and believing that His plan will never fail us. Going off to college is undoubtedly met with both excitement as far as you wander into this new stage. Furthermore, remember God sustains everything, through the highs and lows. You are never alone and never beyond God’s grace or ability to love, guide, and protect you. He is a loving King jealously pursues you.

For Those Going To College

New chapters can be difficult. We step into the unknown, trusting that God has actually planned our steps and believing that His plan will never fail us. Going off to college is undoubtedly met with both excitement as far as you wander into this new stage. Furthermore, remember God sustains everything, through the highs and lows. You are never alone and never beyond God’s grace or ability to love, guide, and protect you. He is a loving King jealously pursues you.

Nobody Special 054 | Girl Scout Cookies, Heroin, and Evangelism

Nobody Special 054 | Girl Scout Cookies, Heroin, and Evangelism

Danny and Caleb celebrate Valentine’s day by taping this weeks episode of Nobody Special. And Valentine’s Day we celebrate as we dive into the origins of Valentine’s Day and what happened to make the traditions we have today. It’s another holiday we stole and used it to communicate the love of God. Honestly, the history of Saint Valentine is pretty sweet.