Tag: Christian

Nobody Special 033: Stan Lee and the Great Commission

Nobody Special 033: Stan Lee and The Great Commission

Stan Lee, beloved creator of Marvel Comics, has been in the new recently as many people complete for his inheritance as one of the most convoluted stories unfolds.  We look at people’s heart for money and power as a means of self validation and why tithing is so important.  Even more, we look at the recent story that Christians do not know what The Great Commission is.  Making disciples, much like raising children, is a generational task of not only getting a person to a point but also getting them to thrive and produce others.  Disciples make disciples who make disciples.

Nobody Special 032: Youtube Shooting and Oyster Shucking

Nobody Special 032: Youtube Shooting and Oyster Shucking

Danny has a new business adventure and it will blow your mind!  Oyster shucking is a real phenomenon that is way more prevalent than any person could every think.  Meanwhile, Caleb doesn’t get on board the oyster shucking train.  And rightfully so.  But don’t worry, we are fully committed to this podcast and providing you with the quality content we always do.  Nay. We are committed to improving and providing you with good content.  

Next we look at the events in the world today and the recent shooting that occurred at Youtube.  Exploring the motives of the person, we look at human nature and the superiority complex and the victimhood complex.  Neither of these are particularly helpful for humanity.  

With Easter, Christ has reigned victorious over all creation and we are forever indebted to Him.  We can value humanity as made in the image of God and know that everyone has value in the eyes of God.  

Nobody Special 031: Make Christian Media Great Again

Nobody Special 031: Make Christian Media Good Again

Danny is apparently a sports genius.  That’s right, March Madness is upon us and its bracket season for many of us.  What a fun game that we sincerely know nothing about but apparently are doing good with brackets.  Back to video games I guess, which we discuss whether they make people violent and the effect that they have on people. Somewhere in the course of this conversation, Danny admits to being a huge nerd.

Also, we look at our lifestyle to see where we are or are not representing Christ, specifically in our media.  We take an in-depth look at how we live our lives and how we promote our creativity in our lives.  There is grace for people but there is life that comes from living fully for Christ.  Faith goes beyond our feelings and takes root deep inside of us.  Don’t fear studying and exploring God.

Nobody Special 030: The Boys Do A Cuss

Nobody Special 030: The Boys Do A Cuss

This week, the boys of Nobody Special take on the profound topic of swearing and the power of words.  Which proves to be incredibly difficult as we don’t want to lose our clean tag in the process. So we do it all without actually saying the really bad words, which would be a failure.  Speaking of failure, we also look at what it means to fail and whether we are a failure or not from doing so.  All in all, God gives us and we in turn can give grace to one another.  We all struggle with some kind of sin and wrestle with the topic of our speech.  So be gentle to yourself and to others.  

Making All Things new: From The End to Eternity

Making All Things New: From The End to Eternity

At the end of time, we will arrive at the beginning of our eternity.  Everything that God has done throughout the course of mankind has sought to return humanity to eternity with Him.  Out of love, Christ made a way for our salvation, for our redemption, and for our sanctification.  All of this in order that we would rest in eternity in the ecstatic presence of God.  There is no area that God showed himself to be unsuccessful and no action that was not accounted for before hand.  Jesus Christ was slain before the foundation of the world and heaven will collide with earth in pursuit of the people of God.

Making All Things News: From Bones to Living

Making All Things New: From Bones to Living

Ezekiel 37, with its familiarity causes us to glaze over the full depth of the passage.  We often are able to intellectually understand the idea of dry bones will rise and walk again.  We picture images of skeletons standing up like cheap halloween specials but miss the significance of where we are in this story.  As God shows Ezekiel the dry bones, God asks “Can these dry bones live?”  Ezekiel while answering God, undoubtedly came to the same understanding and fear that we all face.  We come to understand that we are the dry bones and fear that the answer is no.  

Making All Things New: From Old to New

Making All Things New: From Old To New

The author of Hebrews connects the prophesies of old with the works of Jesus Christ.  For the old prophets, God revealed a future where the old covenant would disappear and a new covenant would be established.  Where people once studied the word of God, in the new covenant, by the power of the Holy Spirit, the covenant would become a part of their DNA and their very identity.  The sins will be forgiveness and they will be established for eternity.  The old will be made new and restoration will come for the people.  Through Jesus Christ, the Old Covenant established between God and His people will be fulfilled and a new covenant will be established by the grace of God.  Our response to this new covenant is nothing short of following wherever God leads us and submitting to His will.

Making All Things New: From Death To Life

Making All Things New: From Death To Life

Towards the end of John’s Revelation he understood God’s desire for the salvation of His people.  God was making all things new.  The plan wasn’t to attempt to tidy of or to make a used car to be like new, but to reform and remake a person new.  There is a difference between new and like new and God would be making all things new.  God, on His sovereign throne, would command existence itself to be restored to fullness by His powerful might and His wondrous grace.  Though sin had been introduced to the world and through it death, God removes the decay for the restoration of mankind.Â