Tag: Authenticity


Masks: Fitting In

Honestly speaking, I was terrified to let people in high school know I was a Christian.  Mostly, I was afraid that they judge me or push me away.  There was a deeply seeded fear of not fitting in.  Doing anything that would affect my ability to “fit in” was not a thing I was interested in since I never really…
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Masks: Strongman

Body building competitions are always somewhat fascinating to me.  You have people who have dedicated years of their life to developing and toning all the parts of their body.  They strive to ensure that every ripple is seen and then spend an inordinate amount of time bronzing and oiling for the competition.  The result: something…
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Masks: Put Together

With the recent trend of scary clowns, people have become more and more aware of the presence of masks.  As these clowns, masquerading as something they are not, wander the streets late at night, they are able to instill a sense of fear into those around them.  Yet, to be perfectly honest, no one actually believes…
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