The Seven Last Words of Christ: It Is Finished

by Daniel Burton
Throughout the course of His life, Jesus performed countless miracles. He turned water into wine and feed the multitudes with even a little of food. He caused the blind to see, the lame to walk, and the deaf to hear. Sickness and even death meant nothing to Him as He frequently counteracted the effects of both of them. Neither was prominent for a God who ruled over all creation. Nor did any of those things seem to matter at this point. Jesus hung on the cross, understanding that the end was close. He was dying and there was no getting around that, at least not for what He had come to do.
Later, knowing that everything had now been finished, and so that Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, “I am thirsty.” A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus’ lips. When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.”
Though the miracles and teachings of Christ were nothing short of divine, the main objective of Christ’s coming revealed itself on the cross. The miracles were not the point as there would always be more miracles to perform. Nor was the teaching complete as the mysterious of God are still being revealed even to this day. Yet, there is only need for one crucifixion. Everything in the whole of God’s history with humanity was culmination in this moment.
The Lasting Effect
Within the words that Jesus spoke, there is a deeper meaning beyond the initial reading. The work that Jesus came to do was completed. The mission had been accomplished and the reason for Christ’s incarnation was coming to a conclusion in this moment. The miracles and teaching, while tremendous would pale in comparison to the Furthermore, the effect of the crucifixion have a lasting effect on the world even until this day. The work of Jesus Christ on the cross is our sacrifice once and for all and no other sacrifice is needed for our right standing with God. Everything God needs to do for our freedom and salvation has already been done. The effects of that sacrifice continue to have their reach every day.
The acts of Jesus Christ on the cross are fully effective for our salvation and our right standing. We are merely catching up and taking hold of the gift that Jesus gave to us as we follow him. Share on XFor all of our struggles, temptations, and pains, when we approach God with everything in our lives, we can do so with the strength that our difficulties have already been conquered. We do not need to ask God to break the chains that bind us, they have already been broken. Ours is to choose to step out of the chains that Christ broke and follow Him. Sin has no hold on us and cannot bring us out of the presence of God. The acts of Jesus Christ on the cross are fully effective for our salvation and our right standing. We are merely catching up and taking hold of the gift that Jesus gave to us as we follow him.
A Lasting Home in With Jesus
As Christ sacrificed himself on the cross for our sins, we were set free from the grips and grasp of death. That would have been enough for the Savior to pave a path for our forgiveness of our sins. Yet, even in this act, more was accomplished. Christ paved a path home. From the first moment of creation, god intended mankind to live in relationship and communion with God. Through the effects of sin, mankind marred the bridge between God and man. Those made in the image of God quickly found their image had become distorted and found separation between god and man.
Christ, serving as our one true sacrifice, finished the work of earning our salvation on our behalf and gives is to all who follow Him. We are saved by grace through the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Share on XAt the core of Jesus’ work on the Christ was repairing the bridge between God and man. Previously, sacrifices were required yearly for man to be in right standing with their living creator and ultimately showed themselves to be ineffective. Now, through the one perfect sacrifice, we are able to return home. This world is not our home, our home rests in the presence of God. Christ, serving as our one true sacrifice, finished the work of earning our salvation on our behalf and gives is to all who follow Him. We are saved by grace through the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross.
For more in this series, check out Seven Last Words of Christ.