The Revelation of Jesus Christ | The One Who Is Coming Soon – Revelation 22:6 – 21

by Daniel Burton
Read Revelation 22:5-21
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Jesus Christ is coming soon to usher His people into eternity with Him, forever.
The Revelation given to John was cut short.
At least, it would have to be. The events of Revelation 21 will go on into eternity where you and I will never reach the end of our relationship with God. John received a taste of the glory we will one day experience. Now, at the end of the vision, Jesus addresses John directly. They were friends as they walked throughout Israel and John submitted to the Lordship of Jesus’s Christ. Now, John resides on the island of Patmos, exiled by the rulers as news came to him one by one of the disciples brutal deaths.
At the end of the vision given to John, the message becomes remarkably clear. Not everyone in the world will turn to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. But, they are running out of opportunities to hear and respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thus, the image of Jesus Christ regarding the Revelation is that Jesus Christ is coming soon to usher His people into eternity with Him, forever. We should devote our lives to declaring the glory of the King through our thoughts, our words, and our actions.
The Immanence of the End
Throughout this chapter, it becomes increasingly clear that the time until Christ’s return grows more and more limited. Jesus, numerous times, tells John that He is coming soon. The time of suffering, exile, and pain will be ending soon. But more than that, the time of warning will be over soon as well. At the end, evil doers will still do evil and the righteous will still do right John’s task, and the task of the church to provide the opportunity for those to put their faith in Jesus Christ. The work of Jesus Christ makes the dead become alive and renews and redeems all who seek Him. Now, at the end of the vision given to John, Christ’s return is immanent.
The idea that Christ return is soon presents a sense of urgency for the lives of believers. John has seen the judgment casts down on all creation and the glory of the eternal reward that awaits all who have been born again through the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For those whose faith rests in Jesus Christ, our reward is secured by Christ’s victory. But, the urgency is still there. We know the fate of those who will not inherit the Kingdom of God and those who will not set foot in the New Jerusalem; they will be cast into the lake of fire for all eternity. Our friends, our family, and our neighbors will all experience that eternal flame unless they experience the grace of Jesus Christ. Our salvation was provided for us and we were clothed in righteousness, with none of our actions justifying our salvation. Yet, God grants it none the less. There is no one who is beyond the reach of God and our role as Christians is to herald the good news of the Gospel to everyone we come into contact with. The more we understand the grace that God pours out on us, the more we should become willing to openly and publicly proclaim that Gospel of Jesus Christ. The time is now. Christ’s return is soon.
Faithfulness to The Lord
The faithfulness to the Lord expresses itself in a few different ways. First, John again makes the mistake of bowing to the angel in worship. While John meant well, this ultimately creates an idol out of a messenger. Furthermore, the angels serve as a signpost and mouthpiece for God throughout Revelation and throughout scripture. Rather than worship the messenger, the angel directs John’s attention back to Jesus Christ, who declares that He is “the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.” Jesus Christ existed before time began and will continue long after time ends. He is the true King in the line of David, and He will rule over the new Jerusalem.
We revere Christ as King and His words as Holy and True. Thus, John is cautioned multiple times to treat this prophesy and the whole of scripture in a manner worthy of its origin. The book of Revelation is not John’s vision but rather Jesus’s given to John. Its impact extends beyond human ability and knowledge coming from the originator of all life itself. John is told to not seal up the vision but to share it with all. Furthermore, there is strict care that John preach the Gospel presented in this vision. The vision gives the final days of the Gospel, the Good News, demonstrating that Jesus clearly reigns over all creation. In maintaining loyalty to the Lord, we revere the word of God highly. Our life should speak to the truth and greatness of the Gospel as we study the word of God as instrumental to our life. It is not just another book or a set of good suggestions but the story of God’s continuing and abounding grace which rescues mankind from the depths of our depravity for His glory. In our display of loyalty to the Lord, we build our lives on the foundation of trusting God to do what He says He will do. He alone will provide and protect us from Satan’s onslaught and He alone will reign in victory now and forever.
As the vision of John closes, we are left with the same questions that John is. We, in our reading of the prophesy bear witness to the same information that God revealed to John. So what do we do now?
We tell everyone. Tell them everything and breath every last word of this prophesy. We exclaim the warnings of the pursuit of the flesh, the allure of the dragon and the prostitute, the deception of the beast and the false prophet. But more importantly, we share the glorious news that God reigns over all eternity. Everyone has a decision to make as to whether or not they will submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Everyone must decide whether they are interested in becoming the bride of Christ in an eternity with no more sickness, weeping, or pain. For those who do, they will arrive in the blessed eternity that is communion and relationship with the God over existence. For now, it is not too late so we will struggle in pain as we resist the devil to spread the Gospel. But as Christ tells us, He is coming soon and our days are numbered. We must act in urgency to ensure that every person has ample opportunity to at least hear the Gospel. We must be willing to bear the mockery of mankind as we move towards our Glorification so that those who do not believe might believe.
One day, our trouble will end as we rest in the presence of God. Until then, we persevere in our faith by God’s love. As John ends the Revelation of Jesus Christ, so too we leave here. ‘The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen. (Revelation 22:21, ESV)
Discussions Questions
Where have you experienced the grace and forgiveness that comes from Jesus Christ? Describe the impact it had on you.
What does it mean that Jesus Christ is the Alpha and Omega? How does this relate to His character and trustworthiness?
In understanding that Christ is returning, how should we live our lives? What would change if we knew Christ return was immanent?
What implications do you see that Jesus Christ is returning soon? How does this impact our decisions today? How does this impact the lives of the lost?
What are some of the barriers we face to proclaiming the Gospel? Fears? Resistances? Hesitations?
Who is one person you can share your faith with during the upcoming week?