Nobody Special 053 | Burned By Fyre

Danny and Caleb celebrate Valentine’s day by taping this weeks episode of Nobody Special. And Valentine’s Day we celebrate as we dive into the origins of Valentine’s Day and what happened to make the traditions we have today. It’s another holiday we stole and used it to communicate the love of God. Honestly, the history of Saint Valentine is pretty sweet.
Then, with the recent popularity of Fyre Festival documentaries on Hulu and Netflix, we look into what happened that caused millennials to con and get conned so severely. When it comes down to it, what we love become the thing we chase. God love for us means that we are free to chase God.
It’s a love themed episode you won’t want to miss.
If you want to write a question or just say hi, be sure to reach out to us at and check out our instagram and facebook at NobodySpecialPodcast.
The Gospel Outpost Presents Nobody Special