Nobody Special 047 | Dating Side Hugged Me Goodbye

Who would but the boys of Nobody Special would talk about dating without having necessarily gone on many dates. Caleb and Danny, that’s who! This week we look at dating and what it means to date. With the recent denouncing of his previous book, I Kissed Dating Goodbye, Joshua Harris has demonstrated a profound humility and dedication to follow and obey God, even at his own personal expense. The boys of Nobody Special look at what was good and bad about the book and how we can put God first in our relationships. Seriously too, props to Joshua Harris on being committed to biblical integrity and being willing to admit his mistakes.
Then we take a letter from one of our listeners (Classic Joni…) who wants to know whether he should date a girl who has a nose ring. While we hope we were helpful, the conversation kind of got away from us.
Other topics include Revelation 14, the Angels straight flexin’ on the Devil, and briefly discussing the Church of Satan suing Netflix for giving them a bad name. Yep. You read that right.
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The Gospel Outpost Presents Nobody Special