Nobody Special 035: Laurel, Yanny, or Bethel?

Nobody Special 035: Laurel, Yanny, or Bethel?

This week Caleb and Danny answer the question that everyone is asking and nobody really cares about; Laurel or Yanny?  We don’t like that we are looking in to that, but hey, why not? Also, Danny dives in to his love of a children’s worship album and discusses the important of theological significance even in the midst of emotional pieces.  Props go out to Bethel Kids, now Bright Ones, for a stellar album and for the talented voice of Peyton Allen.  Seriously. Awesome and you should all go check it out.  Finally, we look at the connection between our faith and our works and how the two are connected.  How should the Christian strive to conduct their lives and do our works even matter.  Find out that and more on this week’s episode of Nobody Special.

Thanks to Classic Jonie for your questions.  If you want to submit questions or just say hi, go to and click on podcasts

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