Category: Blog

Follow Part 4: Into Nineveh

When I started this series “Follow” I had a clear direction I wanted to go in.  Actually, honestly speaking, I wrote the last one first.  The idea was going to be to build to that moment where we are Following Jesus to get to this final point.  Yet, the more I kicked the idea around in…
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Follow Part 3: Through The Storm

White water rafting guides always seem crazy when you first meet them.  I mean no offense by that either.  Their dress and appearance are those who are looking for an exciting thrilling adventure, all without sleeves and sometimes without shoes.  For a guy like me who doesn’t frequently go down white water rafting, this can…
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Follow Part 2: Take Up Your Cross

I never have an answer to the question “What is your 10 year plan.”  I do have directions and things I am interested in doing, but a 10 year plan, I don’t have a mapped out plan of “success” as it were.  Usually these are plans to survive and thrive financially and secure yourself in…
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Follow Part 1: Lay Down Your Nets

Jesus is not content with a person praying a prayer one time.  Jesus wants us to Follow Him. At the core of love is a Savior who wants to be in relationship with us and to have us be with him, always.  While no one ever said this would be easy or painless, it will…
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Broken Part 4: Abandoned But Not Forgotten

At the beginning of this series, I said I hate the saying that God loves our brokenness. Mainly because the feeling of brokenness and God purifying our soul through the work of the Holy Spirit.  This process hurts, cutting deeply to the heart of our wants and desires until all that is left is nothing…
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Broken Part 3: The Restoration of Creation

With the thoughts of brokenness and emptiness we can easily seem to think that we are at the center of the Universe’s attention.  This isn’t to trivialize our struggles, for they are indeed very difficult.  Our brokenness is a real brokenness.  In the larger scheme of the world and in creation, we see a larger brokenness that…
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Broken Part 2: Powerlessness Gives Way To Godly Power

At the beginning of creation, we were made to have dominion over the world.  We were made to rule over the creation that God had given to those who bore the divine image of God. Being made in the image of God granted us the rights and authority from God.  We were given the task of…
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Broken Part 1: Until Nothing Is Left But Everything

I hate when people talk about how Jesus loves our brokenness with a bright shining smile on their face.  Probably this isn’t the most Christian thing to say but it bothers me. Personally, I have been through seasons in which God was breaking me.  I guess, more aptly put, I hope that the particular season…
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Questions and Doubts 2: What To Do With Your Doubts

Short and simple, we all have our doubts.  None of us are immune from doubts.  We, as finite beings who do not know everything, will not always have the answers for the questions of our faith.  The most clear example of this is seen in Matthew 28:16-17 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain…
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Questions and Doubts 1: Questioning with Faith

To be completely honest, dinosaurs provide a stumbling block to my faith.  We have these massive bones of animals said to exists millions of years ago yet there is the other belief, among evangelicals mainly, that the early is only roughly 6000 years old.  Having looked at the evidence, I am not entirely convinced.  Where are dinosaurs…
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