Category: Blog

Prayer During Heavy Times

After the month of July, my heart is, frankly, heavy. In the past few months we have seen multiple terrorist attacks as ISIS continues to target the innocent.  Immediately, we have seen the politicization of these attacks to match whatever beliefs that the particular party feels without actually addressing the hurt of the people.  We have…
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Narrative and Worldview

Words: Narrative and Worldview

As we have looked at our words we have seen the power that they hold. The old adage of “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” frankly just isn’t true. Words have the power of life or destruction based on what we represent with them. When we misuse our…
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Words: Truth and Lies

Anyone who says that they never lie is probably lying.  This skill often presents itself first in childhood and, oddly, without much training beforehand in doing it.  The only positive about this is that little kids are notoriously bad at it and are quickly found out in their lies.  Yet, for a thing we associate…
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The Power of God’s Grace

God’s Grace, what is it exactly. Some may be confused by topic. What does it mean? How does it work? God’s Grace is an intangible sign of God’s love for each and every one of us. It, like God’s presence is all around us and is here to provide people with the peace they deserve.…
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Words: Gossip

We have all been the subject of gossip at one point or another.  We find out people have been talking about us for a prolonged period of time.  Having heard what they we saying about us, we walk away dejected.  We feel hurt and dejected knowing that our “friends” would talk about in that way…
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“Sunday” How Should It Be Spent?

It’s a difficult but important question to ask people, “How should a good Christian spend their Sunday?” Most people might answer, “By going to church” or “By praying to God so he can forgive us for our sins.” Now don’t get me wrong, these are both characteristics of a good Christian, but how can we live…
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Words: Tamed By No Man

One of the things that I like the best about my dog is that she is still a little bit wild.  Sure, I have taught her how to sit, stay, and a few other standard dog commands.  But she still keeps that untamed nature.  I have tried my hardest to train her out of things, like…
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Words: The Power of Speech

Growing up with a speech impediment, I grew to understand the power of words.  I have a speech impediment, a stutter, that doesn’t inhibit my ability to think but merely inhibits my mouth’s ability to keep up with my brain.  Stuttering, especially during the formative years of middle and high school, tended to serve as…
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Mourn With Those Who Mourn

This past week has been a week that was marked by tragedy. First we saw the shooting at Pulse Nightclub where 50 people were gunned down for their lifestyle choice.  Shortly following that, a 2 year old was attacked and killed by an alligator. Both of these are horrific events and both for very different…
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Follow Part 5: A Faith To Be Followed

When you are born, you don’t stop growing.  You typically grow leaps and bounds.  Even as you move into childhood you are still growing. Yet for our faith, we see evident in many cases where a person was willing to die to themselves but never came alive in Jesus Christ.  We died to ourselves sure, but…
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