Category: Blog

Making All Things News: From Bones to Living

Making All Things New: From Bones to Living

Ezekiel 37, with its familiarity causes us to glaze over the full depth of the passage.  We often are able to intellectually understand the idea of dry bones will rise and walk again.  We picture images of skeletons standing up like cheap halloween specials but miss the significance of where we are in this story.  As God shows Ezekiel the dry bones, God asks “Can these dry bones live?”  Ezekiel while answering God, undoubtedly came to the same understanding and fear that we all face.  We come to understand that we are the dry bones and fear that the answer is no.  

Exodus Week 9: God Dwells In Our Midst

Exodus Week 9: God Dwells In Our Midst

God had met His people on Mount Sinai.  He did not join them through metaphor or representation, but the presence of God descended from heaven on Mount Sinai.  This divine invasion had spurned and annoyed the broken world that ceased being righteous long ago.  As God’s presence came near, the very earth groaned in the expectation of perfection that would soon be coming.  The mountain smoked. There was thunder and lightning.  The righteous God had come to an unrighteous world for the salvation and blessing of His people.

Making All Things New: From Old to New

Making All Things New: From Old To New

The author of Hebrews connects the prophesies of old with the works of Jesus Christ.  For the old prophets, God revealed a future where the old covenant would disappear and a new covenant would be established.  Where people once studied the word of God, in the new covenant, by the power of the Holy Spirit, the covenant would become a part of their DNA and their very identity.  The sins will be forgiveness and they will be established for eternity.  The old will be made new and restoration will come for the people.  Through Jesus Christ, the Old Covenant established between God and His people will be fulfilled and a new covenant will be established by the grace of God.  Our response to this new covenant is nothing short of following wherever God leads us and submitting to His will.

Exodus Week 8: God’s Covenant Code

Exodus Week 8: God’s Covenant Code

As the Israelites looked upon the Egyptian army bearing down on them with their backs to the Red Sea, their enslavement or death looked imminent.  The situation for the Israelites appeared to be fatal.  It had only been one day since they were led by the hand out God out of Egypt.  Yet, having been rescued through the sovereign grace of God, the people immediately began to doubt that God had even sent Moses.

Faith and Works: James 3:13-18

James 3:13-18 Both Sides of Wisdom

James continues his discussion of wisdom and how we apply it to our lives as Christians. James begins with a rhetorical question challenging to the reader to take a look inward and ask “Am I wise?”  Wisdom goes beyond a simple understanding of what is right.  While wisdom includes understanding, it goes beyond that.  Wisdom, and thus a wise person, applies what they have learned.  Yet, this wisdom is easily contrasted with the wisdom of the world.  The world will encourage us to pursue selfish gain over and at the expense of others.  The wisdom of Heaven, though, strives for a greater and deeper expression of a life changed and redeemed by an everlasting God.  

Making All Things New: From Death To Life

Making All Things New: From Death To Life

Towards the end of John’s Revelation he understood God’s desire for the salvation of His people.  God was making all things new.  The plan wasn’t to attempt to tidy of or to make a used car to be like new, but to reform and remake a person new.  There is a difference between new and like new and God would be making all things new.  God, on His sovereign throne, would command existence itself to be restored to fullness by His powerful might and His wondrous grace.  Though sin had been introduced to the world and through it death, God removes the decay for the restoration of mankind. 

Exodus Week 7: God’s Self-Revelation

Exodus Week 7: God’s Self-Revelation

Three months have now gone by since the people of Israel were saved from the mad king tyrant of Pharaoh.  During that time, the people had followed the guidance of God with a pillar of smoke and fire guiding them day and night.  The presence of God was with them and guiding them to safety.  Even more so than that, God had made provisions for them for both food and water, to provide for them supernaturally.  Clearly, God intended for the Israelites to not only survive but to live a thriving life.

Great New Adventures For A Grand New Year

For some of us, it was a difficult year and for other it was a year of adjustment.  Other, it was a season of waiting and trying to remain faithful where we are for the time that we are there.  If your year was anything like mine, it was a year that seemed to slowly chip away at a great deal of things.  Now, as we arrive in 2018, a great opportunity to renew and refresh stands before me.  Sure, the start of a new year is, frankly, an arbitrary date on a calendar, but nonetheless, New Years remains an opportunity for self-reflection.  As Christians, this can be a phenomenal opportunity to take an honest look at who we are and where we are going.  With that said, I have a few encouragements for everyone this upcoming year and some personal goals that I am setting out to accomplish.

Exodus Week 6: God’s Provision

Exodus Week 6: God’s Provision

The saga with the Egyptians, for all intents and purposes, was over for the Israelites.  The army that had chased them had perished into the mighty waves of the Red Sea that God had parted for the Israelites to cross safely and rescinded when the Egyptians pursued the people under God’s care.  They were well on their way to the Promised Land that God had set apart for His people.  The journey, though, would not necessarily be easy.  Along the way, the people would need to lean into the faith that had got them to this moment to see them through to the next.

And He Shall Be Called Immanuel

And He Shall Be Called: Immanuel

Isaiah spoke often of the coming Messiah for the deliverance and salvation of God’s people.  As the angels spoke to John, they revealed the truth of the words from Isaiah.  “‘Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. ‘ Isaiah 7:14, NIV  As with many of the names given throughout the biblical text, names carry a significance and meaning as to the nature of a person.  Immanuel translates from the Hebrew to “God is with us.” The nature of Jesus’ relationship with mankind is summed up in with this name.