The Problem of Sin | Asking The Wrong Question
Whenever tragedy strikes, people move very quickly to determine the cause of the problem. These debate quickly devolve into name calling, finger pointing, and the useless jabbering of politicians and pundits all ignoring the root cause of pain and suffering. The issue has always been sin, the issue is still sin, and the issue will continue to be sin until we arrive on the other side of eternity by the grace of our Savior Jesus Christ. In more recent history, there has been an increase in calls to diminish the problem of issue and the response of prayer. Some, even from those who profess faith in Jesus Christ. In doing so, they neglect the grip of sin on the lives of mankind, and, even more dangerous, they diminish the message and power of the Gospel that Jesus saves mankind from our sins but His glorious grace. It seems, in our effort to be non-offensive and seeker friendly, we have forgotten what sin is and what it does to everyone sin encounters. Â Understanding the nature of sin does not seek to heap on condemnation on a person, but rather to make much of the Gospel of that Jesus Christ came to save us. Â It is only when we understand the depths of our depravity that we can begin to grasp great richness of grace.