The Fruit of Self-Control: The Witness of Being Set Apart
Athletes hone their bodies into high functioning machines that can do a great deal of spectacular feats and strength and agility. Â This result does not come without a price. Â There are plenty of seasons where they skip perfectly good functions, foods, and events for the sake of crafting their skill and ability and shaping their bodies. Â It takes an enormous amount of self-control to produce the results and the world takes notice of their ability. Â We all strive to be like them, however, without self-control, we will never approach the results that they do. Â This should be how the members of the church, specifically the elders and those mature in the faith should present themselves. Â When outsiders see the church, there should be a notable difference that demonstrates the effects of a change and redeemed life. Â Furthermore, when people new to the faith see those who are further in their walk, the person of Jesus Christ should be clear and evident in the lives of the elders. Â This means there will be plenty of things that Christians do and do not that serve as a witness to our faith. Â There will be places we frequent and places we abstain from that will show the world that Jesus Christ has rescued us from death. Â Our self-control to obey the law roots itself in the first purpose of the law, which was to separate believers from non-believers. Â In doing so, we train to obtain a prize beyond that which athlete can obtain.