The Gospel of John | Conquered The World – John 16:25-33
Christ advocates for us, on our behalf, and secures the victory over all the world so that we can find our present hope in Him.
Christ advocates for us, on our behalf, and secures the victory over all the world so that we can find our present hope in Him.
Danny Talks About… Zack Snyder’s Army of the Dead. In this episode, Danny tries something new and discusses pop culture from his pretend study. Looking at Zack Snyder’s Netflix movie, Army of the Dead, we look for themes and whether it can be preached and whether it can be preached without being corny. Also, we look at the various plot holes that never got explained. Will there be a sequel? How will that happen if everyone is dead.
Our future hope in glory is in Jesus Christ for all eternity even though we may face difficulties now.
Recently a school board meeting in Loudoun County Virginia ended with endless chanting and police arrests over people’s protesting of the inclusion of Critical Race Theory into the elementary school curriculum. Caleb and Danny look at what Critical Race Theory is, how it has been expressed, and what the church should do in response to calls for an increase in CRT ideals. We look at how the church comes together in Jesus Christ and ultimately finds a beautiful unity in the person of Jesus Christ.
Just as the world hates Jesus, we will be hated as we are in Christ. The Holy Spirit will empower our witness of the truth.
Just as the world hates Jesus, we will be hated as we are in Christ. The Holy Spirit will empower our witness of the truth.
Danny and Caleb sit down and discuss the western church and the challenges it faces compared with the church of the Middle East and their thriving focus of faith.
Jesus Christ offers the fullness of life and love in Himself as the one who gave Himself up for us so that we could remain in Him.
Danny Talks About… Zack Snyder’s Army of the Dead. In this episode, Danny tries something new and discusses pop culture from his pretend study. Looking at Zack Snyder’s Netflix movie, Army of the Dead, we look for themes and whether it can be preached and whether it can be preached without being corny. Also, we look at the various plot holes that never got explained. Will there be a sequel? How will that happen if everyone is dead.
The Holy Spirit comes from Jesus’ standing before the Father and works in us and through us to secure our relationship with God.