Category: Daniel Burton

Nobody Special 173 | Does Prayer Change God's Mind?

Nobody Special 173 | Does Prayer Change God’s Mind?

Caleb and Danny answer a question from a listener! We talk about whether God’s mind is changed by prayer and if not, then why should we pray. Prayer is integral to the life of the believer but many of us seem to think that prayer dictates what God does. Find out more on this week’s episode of Nobody Special.

They Devoted Themselves | To The Fellowship

They Devoted Themselves | To The Fellowship

Each of these would represent a revolutionary approach of bringing together a diverse group of people with seemingly nothing else is coming other than faith in Jesus Christ. At the center of the church remained a devote focus on Jesus Christ and the Gospel of His work in creation and on the cross. At the center of the devotion came the teachings of those closest to Jesus Christ, the apostles. The church, in order to survive the tumultuous culture of the day would need a unified message and purpose surrounding them. The full teaching of the Apostles, rooting themselves in the Gospel, would equip and challenge the church to actively pursue the things of God and keep in step with the Spirit that resides within them and guides them.

Nobody Special 172 | Wars, Rumors, and The Matrix

Nobody Special 172 | Wars, Rumors, and The Matrix

The Matrix dropped their trailer today. It seems to be about a world where no one can tell what is real or not and everyone just wants to feel better. So, nothing like today really. Also Danny and Caleb talk about Afghanistan and how this probably is not the end of the world. As we look for eternity, we need to anticipate the coming of the end but not worry about it.

They Devoted Themselves | To The Apostles Teaching

They Devoted Themselves | To The Apostles Teaching

Each of these would represent a revolutionary approach of bringing together a diverse group of people with seemingly nothing else is coming other than faith in Jesus Christ. At the center of the church remained a devote focus on Jesus Christ and the Gospel of His work in creation and on the cross. At the center of the devotion came the teachings of those closest to Jesus Christ, the apostles. The church, in order to survive the tumultuous culture of the day would need a unified message and purpose surrounding them. The full teaching of the Apostles, rooting themselves in the Gospel, would equip and challenge the church to actively pursue the things of God and keep in step with the Spirit that resides within them and guides them.

Nobody Special 171 | Happy Little Greedy Idols

Nobody Special 171 | Happy Little Greedy Idols

What if on this episode Danny and Caleb talked about Marvel’s What If… And What If they also talked about Spider Man… And what if they also discussed the Emergent Church who had a propensity of asking What If… Biblical Authority and the foundation being built on Jesus Christ as the cornerstone of faith is important to our spiritual well being. Join Danny and Caleb as they talk about the impact of moving past doubt to questioning and abandoning truth all together.

Sabbath | Work and Rest

Sabbath | Work and Rest

God designed mankind to work in the same way that God designed mankind to rest and Sabbath. Both are vital to worshipping and glorifying God in the entirety of our lives. The two ditches the Christian faces push them to either be in a perpetual state of sabbath rest, something God did not intend, or a perpetual state of work, something that God equally did not intend. Instead, the one who follows God should find an equal emphasis on rest and work as God commands each to be done in a specific way. In each case, though, they are done as if we are doing them representing and working for the Lord.

Nobody Special 170 | What If

Nobody Special 170 | What If

What if on this episode Danny and Caleb talked about Marvel’s What If… And What If they also talked about Spider Man… And what if they also discussed the Emergent Church who had a propensity of asking What If… Biblical Authority and the foundation being built on Jesus Christ as the cornerstone of faith is important to our spiritual well being. Join Danny and Caleb as they talk about the impact of moving past doubt to questioning and abandoning truth all together.

Danny Talks About Ep//004 Spiritualizing The Vaccine

Danny Talks About Ep//004 Spiritualizing The Vaccine

On this episode of Danny Talks About, Danny looks at both sides of the argument and what we need to let go of in order to come together and maintain the bond of unity together.

Sabbath | Doing and Being

Sabbath | Doing and Being

By observing the Sabbath, we cease our doing and rest in our being, knowing that the love God has for us does not scaled with our productivity by remains constant regardless of our actions.

Nobody Special 169 | Purity Culture

Mike Cosper from Christianity Today recently released a podcast on Mark Driscoll and Mars Hill asking one simple question; what happened to Mars Hill? He goes through the spiritual story of the church and the fallout that occurred from it. Now, Caleb and Danny talk about pastoral pride and how we can kill our own pride within us and encourage our pastor in the process.