Category: Daniel Burton


The Regret of God

We know that God is an all knowing and infallible God. Yet, multiple times in the bible, it says that God had “regret” for making man. Most notably you see this in Genesis 6:6 with the events leading up to the Great Flood.


The Story of Hope: A New Story Secured

Rather than allow mankind to remain in sin, He gave hope of a new beginning. Our old life is ending and we enter into a new story beginning when we follow Jesus Christ. We have the hope of a new life.


The Story of Hope: Hope For The Lost

For whatever darkness you feel you are facing or whatever situation you feel will never change, there is hope. We are not define by our past. We take hope and come out of the darkness and into the light.


The Story of Hope: Hope In Christ with One Another

For whatever darkness you feel you are facing or whatever situation you feel will never change, there is hope. We are not define by our past. We take hope and come out of the darkness and into the light.


The Story of Hope: Darkness No More

For whatever darkness you feel you are facing or whatever situation you feel will never change, there is hope. We are not define by our past. We take hope and come out of the darkness and into the light.


Luke 2:1-7 An Underwhelming Welcome

It came time for Mary to have her child.  You would expect that the Savior of the world would enter with fanfare.  Or at least there would be a proclamation of the coming Savior.  After all, this was the Savior of the world, the one the prophets foretold and who would save humanity.  He would…
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Laying Down Our Life

For those of you who are fasting or seeking to move towards righteousness by what they do, I commend you.  This is certainly no easy task.  Seeking to give up things for the benefit of our faith is one of the best things that a Christian can do for their spiritual walk.  We all go…
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Missional Outpost: Unity

We are at the conclusion of one of the most divisive elections that I can remember.  For wherever you stand politically, the idea of unity has been shattered between the two parties.  Yet this phenomenon is not limited to politics.  Millenials vs Baby Boomers.  Men vs. Women.  Conservatives vs. Liberals. Everyone seems to be blaming everyone else and…
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You Need Only Be Still

By the time of Exodus 14, the Israelites had been through quite and ordeal.  Where they were once a growing an prosperous people, the Egyptians had driven them into slavery and forced them into hard demeaning work.  There, they spent many years doing the will of the Pharaoh and Egypt.  They cried out in anguish for…
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Missional Outpost: Missional Morality

American society was founded on the principles of Christian values and which were incredibly important to the founding fathers.  Yet, for those who look around the world we live in today, it seems that these ideals and core values have eroded over time.  Sure, there are insightful explanations for why this has occurred and how the church in…
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