Category: Daniel Burton

The Fruit of Joy Part 1

The Fruit of the Joy: Part 1

With the fruit of love being the leading fruit for the Spirit filled Christian, Paul continues that those claiming they are filled with the Spirit also display joy as an outward expression of the Spirit within them.  A person who has no joy cannot rightly be said to be a Spirit filled individual.  Yet, for all of our preconceived notions and ideas of joy, there is a misunderstanding of what it means to be filled with joy.  Some mistake it that a person of faith must be smiling at all times in order to be joyful, to the dismay of the melancholic personalities.  Smiling does not necessarily equate to joy, although it my certainly be expressed as such.  Joy, rather than a temporary feeling is a longstanding state.  Furthermore, this status is cementing by the work of Jesus Christ.  Joy is not temporary.  Joy is a lasting state because the works of Christ are cemented and secured.

The Revelation of Jesus Christ: Chapter 1:1-8

The Revelation of Jesus Christ – Redeemed By The Blood

For many people, the idea of apocalyptic literature is misunderstood.  Our mind have become inundated with zombie apocalypse, dystopian futures, and loyal bands of survivors trying to make it amidst cinematically cataclysmic events.  For biblical literature, however, the idea of apocalyptic literature comes form the idea of unveiling or revealing.  Thus, the imagery of nuclear winter, war, or end of days type scenarios, while they may be part of what will be to come, are not the purpose.  The main point of Revelation is to reveal the nature of God’s Sovereign rule throughout all human history through the empowerment of the church to minister to the world.  

The Fruit of Love: Discipline and Accountability

The Fruit of the Spirit: Love Part 3

It seems that as some point people God the idea that loving someone meant an implicit acceptance of everything they do.  A person is viewed as the summation of their actions and their desires.  Thus to love a person was to be accepting of everything they are and everything they desire to be.  Nothing could be further from the truth of the Gospel.  The love of God is a multifaceted and complex love that surpasses understanding, comprehension, and ability.  For those of us who have received the Spirit of God, the outpouring of love is a similar love for all mankind.  Love does not mean a person will never experience any negative emotion because love does not limit itself to merely emotions.  Instead, often times, love involves the rebuke and discipline of God because of His love for His people and His desire to not see them remain in their sin.  Furthermore, our love for our brothers and sisters in Christ and for the world as a whole, remains to speak up against injustice and sin as the mouthpiece of God and to hold one another account fo our actions.  This love links arms with the rest of mankind and rushes towards the perfect relationship with Jesus Christ. 

A Little Bit of Encouragement For Those Who Need It

A Bit of Encouragement For Those Who Need It

I look around me and see some of the most incredible people in my life with the same type of fatigue.   These are people from all walks of life that inspire me to some degree or I am incredibly grateful for their presence. To be honest, it is weird to see your heroes fatigued and it is weirder to see people look to you for strength when you don’t even feel you have it together.  But I think this is what it means to be the body of Christ, supporting one another in the love of God when we need it the most and to borrow strength from one another.  Everyone, it seems, needs borrowed strength from one another regardless of position, place, or power.

The Fruit of the Spirit: Love Part 2

In seeking to understand a concept, it is often helpful to look at what that particular concept is not.  Culturally, it goes without saying that there are numerous definitions and expectations of what love is and what love looks like.  Everyone’s various expectations of what love looks like pressures each person to reflect different core values.  In seeking to allow the Holy Spirit to express the love of God as a fruit of our transformation, love must be expressed through all that we do.  Furthermore, the opposite of this same love should be ignored and avoided at all cost.  From a biblical perspective, most would assume that the opposite of love of hate.  Yet, hate has passion in common with love. Furthermore, in other areas, believers are encouraged to hate what is evil, which is a command from God, who is love.  Both exhibit passion.   The passion is, albeit misdirected, but present none of the less.  Instead, the opposite of love is fear.  Biblical authors use the  greek word “phobos” to depict the complete incompatibility of love.  Fear is a paralytic that causes us to cower, hide, and freeze.  Love, however, drives a person to intense action as the outpouring of an undeserved love that we have already received.

The Fruit of Love Agape

The Fruit of the Spirit: Love Part 1

At the outset of Paul’s discussion of the Fruit of the Spirit, the foundation is laid down mentioning love as the first fruit. While all the elements listed in Galatians are all equal parts of the Fruit of the Spirit, Paul significantly lists “love” as the first fruit and expression of a spirit filled life.  For the people of Paul’s time, love could be viewed from a few different perspectives.  One aspect is the idea of brotherly or familial love, personified by the word “phileo” (which we get the word Philadelphia from as the city of brotherly love).  Another popular perspective depicted, specifically within Greek literature, described love as primary a romantic and sexual interaction, employing the word “eros.”  Neither of these words did the description of love justice.  Love of this nature could only be described as “agape” which implies a deeper connection that either “eros” or “phileo” would be able to offer.  This love, rather than being between two people, originates in the personhood of God and expresses a deep connection.  It is not friendly or familial but rather from a direct and profound connection from the God’s heart to ours.  

The Fruit of the Spirit: Signs of the Spirit

The Fruit of the Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the hand and mechanism of life’s creation, sent by Jesus Christ, from the beginning of time.  The work of the Holy Spirit is transformative in the lives of believers.  When a person believes in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit begins its work in a person.  As the mechanism of true, genuine life, the Holy Spirit knows which things are created with the DNA of God and which are the representation of the fleshly desires.  When the Spirit renews a person fully, the sign of the Spirit in a person is the fruit that is produced.  For the Christian, Galatians 5:22-25 serves as the metric and sign for what occurs in every believer when the Holy Spirit works in the heart.  

Faith and Works: James 5:13-20

James 5:13-20 The Need for One Another

As James concludes his letter, he discusses the need for one another as put our faith on full display.  Throughout the course of James’ letter, he has constantly exhorted his readers to take the faith they held in their soul and express it outward.  Yet, as a member of the body of Christ, we are not to go through our spiritual path on our own.  We are guided by the mentors and leaders who have gone before us to show us how to walk in our faith.  We have our peers and friends to hold one another up and challenge one another along the way.  Furthermore, we guide those who come after us.  For the Christian to successfully be connected to his or her Christian community, there is a minimum of three generations of interaction, each one providing different opportunities and challenges for the believer.  

Luke 5:12-26

Luke 5:12-26 Sin and Sickness

In Luke 5:12-26, Jesus engages in two miracles of healing.  First, there was the leper, who, under normal circumstances, would be unable to even approach Jesus.  They were unclean and regarded as a leper largely because of their sins.  Jesus called this same person to Himself in order to heal the sickness and disease.  Moreso, Jesus ordered the leper to present himself to the priests to verify the miracle and the forgiveness.  Immediately after this story, Luke continues with the well known story of the paralyzed man, lowered from the roof.  Knowing that he was being watched by the Pharisees and the scribes of the law, Jesus took the opportunity to put the fullness of his presence and personhood to the crowd.

The Death and Life of Jesus Christ

The Death and Life of Jesus Christ

The angel sat on the stone and informed the women of Jesus’ resurrection.  The women ran and told the disciples who investigated and reported that Jesus no longer resided in the grave.  The word spread throughout the country for all to hear; Jesus rose from the grave.  He had returned.  Over the next few days he appeared to His disciples and various other persons and they experienced the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Where once the King died, now He reigns victorious over heaven and earth, over death and life.