In seeking to understand a concept, it is often helpful to look at what that particular concept is not.  Culturally, it goes without saying that there are numerous definitions and expectations of what love is and what love looks like.  Everyone’s various expectations of what love looks like pressures each person to reflect different core values.  In seeking to allow the Holy Spirit to express the love of God as a fruit of our transformation, love must be expressed through all that we do.  Furthermore, the opposite of this same love should be ignored and avoided at all cost.  From a biblical perspective, most would assume that the opposite of love of hate.  Yet, hate has passion in common with love. Furthermore, in other areas, believers are encouraged to hate what is evil, which is a command from God, who is love.  Both exhibit passion.   The passion is, albeit misdirected, but present none of the less.  Instead, the opposite of love is fear.  Biblical authors use the  greek word “phobos” to depict the complete incompatibility of love.  Fear is a paralytic that causes us to cower, hide, and freeze.  Love, however, drives a person to intense action as the outpouring of an undeserved love that we have already received.