Category: Daniel Burton

The Gospel of John | Spiritual Thirst Part 2 - John 4:27-45

The Gospel of John | Spiritual Thirst Part 2 – John 4:27-45

At the outset of this passage, John references the previous supposed tension that exists between the disciples of Jesus and the disciples of John. Where the Pharisees viewed John’s teaching as dangerous to their system of governance, Jesus’ teaching brought with them the claims of authority and divinity. Yet, Jesus had no patience for the challenges that would only seek to cause rivalry and division. So, with no need to further division among the believers, he left. On his journey, He came to Samaria (whether the journey dictated this out of the way path or was merely the divine providence and plan of God is a matter of much academic debate). As the disciples went off to find food, Jesus approached the well and a woman at the well looking for water with no means of obtaining it.

Soli Deo Gloria | Christ As The Glory of God

Soli Deo Gloria | Christ As The Glory of God

Works do not obligate God to provide us with salvation but instead they provide the evidence that a transformation has taken place within a person. One cannot encounter the risen Lord without some sort of inward transformation that displays in an outward expression. Where justification declares a guilty person to be innocent, righteousness an unholy person as holy, and adoption an enemy of God as a child of God, salvation works in person to bring the dead to life. No one can come from death to life without displaying the Lordship of Jesus Christ in their lives through faith in Him and

Soli Deo Gloria | The Red Thread of Scripture

Soli Deo Gloria | The Red Thread of Scripture

Works do not obligate God to provide us with salvation but instead they provide the evidence that a transformation has taken place within a person. One cannot encounter the risen Lord without some sort of inward transformation that displays in an outward expression. Where justification declares a guilty person to be innocent, righteousness an unholy person as holy, and adoption an enemy of God as a child of God, salvation works in person to bring the dead to life. No one can come from death to life without displaying the Lordship of Jesus Christ in their lives through faith in Him and

The Hardening of Hearts

The Hardening of Hearts

This idea in the book of Exodus of hearts hardening terrifies me to my core. The idea of persistent sin and willful disobedience to God resulting in a hardening of my own heart to the things of the Lord intimidates and scares me to my core. My faith and hope rests in the Lord and I firmly believe He is the King over all creation and that His death on the cross counted for me. Yet, I must admit that there are sins that still seem to be a persistent struggle. Sins that, for whatever reason, I have not seemed to be able to kick for a while. My fear in these is that one day, my heart will become hardened to the effects of sin. We must not put any trust in following our own heart, as we know that our heart craves the things of the flesh and leads us towards our own destruction. Yet, by the work of Jesus Christ on the cross, by the power of the Holy Spirit, God does not leave us in our condemnation but provides a new heart for us.

Sola Fide | Faith and Works

Sola Fide | Faith and Works

Works do not obligate God to provide us with salvation but instead they provide the evidence that a transformation has taken place within a person. One cannot encounter the risen Lord without some sort of inward transformation that displays in an outward expression. Where justification declares a guilty person to be innocent, righteousness an unholy person as holy, and adoption an enemy of God as a child of God, salvation works in person to bring the dead to life. No one can come from death to life without displaying the Lordship of Jesus Christ in their lives through faith in Him and

Sola Fide | Justified and Righteous By Faith

Sola Fide | The Source of Faith

Within the context of faith, two important topics quickly surface as we explore the idea that we receive salvation by faith alone. First, that our legal right standing does not come from our own actions, but instead comes from the actions of God. Second, that our righteousness comes by faith rather than our faith coming from our righteousness. All salvation comes by grace alone (Sola Gratia) so that no one would be able to boast. This applies also to our faith. The very fabric of our faith comes by the grace of God that justifies our right standing before the judgment of God and sets us our feet on the foundation of righteousness.

Sola Fide | Justified and Righteous By Faith

Sola Fide | Justified and Righteous By Faith

Within the context of faith, two important topics quickly surface as we explore the idea that we receive salvation by faith alone. First, that our legal right standing does not come from our own actions, but instead comes from the actions of God. Second, that our righteousness comes by faith rather than our faith coming from our righteousness. All salvation comes by grace alone (Sola Gratia) so that no one would be able to boast. This applies also to our faith. The very fabric of our faith comes by the grace of God that justifies our right standing before the judgment of God and sets us our feet on the foundation of righteousness.

Sola Fide | The Substance of Faith

Sola Fide | The Substance of Faith

Make no mistake. We are dead in our sins. There is nothing we can do to merit our salvation and our justification as these are acts of Grace Alone (Sola Gratia). Yet, every day, we see people move from death to life by the grace of God to live in eternity in Heaven. “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2:8-10‬ ‭ESV‬‬) We produce nothing from our good works and every step of our salvation comes from God.

Protecting Innocence in "Good Boys"

Protecting Innocence in “Good Boys”

New chapters can be difficult. We step into the unknown, trusting that God has actually planned our steps and believing that His plan will never fail us. Going off to college is undoubtedly met with both excitement as far as you wander into this new stage. Furthermore, remember God sustains everything, through the highs and lows. You are never alone and never beyond God’s grace or ability to love, guide, and protect you. He is a loving King jealously pursues you.

Sola Gratia | Justification and Adoption

Sola Gratia | Justification and Adoption

Grace is perhaps, the simplest of all Christian doctrines and yet the one we have the most trouble believing. Grace, being the unmerited favor of God given to mankind for their salvation, remains the crux of doctrine. We contribute nothing to our salvation nor can we. Yet, we desperately want to be responsible in some manner for our salvation. Deep down, we carry a long to know we are good enough and attempt to prove it through the only way we know how to prove things; our actions. Yet, our actions produced only death within us and nothing more. On our own, our actions produce spiritual death which even goes so far to take a physical and emotional toil on our bodies. Yet Jesus Christ, by grace, as a random for our sin, died in our place in a manner only He could, so that we might obtain life.