Category: Daniel Burton

Rise Up | Everyone On Mission For The Glory of God

Rise Up | Everyone on Mission for the Glory of God

Just as we breathe, we must both spiritually inhale and exhale in order to thrive, we do so spiritually by what we take in and what we express outward.

Rise Up | The Dead Sea of Inexpression

Rise Up | The Dead Sea of Inexpression

Just as we breathe, we must both spiritually inhale and exhale in order to thrive, we do so spiritually by what we take in and what we express outward.

Rise Up | Dying To Self to Live Missional

Rise Up | Dying To The Self To Live Missional

The hope of Jesus Christ defeats the empire that rules over people so that we might return to God.

What A Difference A Year Makes

What a difference a year makes. At the start of 2019, I had a fair amount of plans and ideas for where I thought the Lord was leading me. In keeping with the regular pattern of my life, none of them actually happened.

The Advent of Hope | Out of The Darkness

The Advent of Hope | Out of The Darkness

The hope of Jesus Christ defeats the empire that rules over people so that we might return to God.

The Advent of Hope | Defeating The Empire

The Advent of Hope | Defeating The Empire

The hope of Jesus Christ defeats the empire that rules over people so that we might return to God.

The Advent of Hope | Fearing The Storm

The Advent of Hope | Fearing The Storm

Hope does not fear the storm but looks ahead to the promised future.

The Advent of Hope | The Savior Comes

The Advent of Hope | The Savior Comes

As we eagerly await the return of Christ, we look towards hope. God, coming incarnate in the flesh, provides hope for people that the sin in our lives will not be our end. Jesus is the hope that the evildoers will be dealt with on the cross and one day and sin and death will be defeated.

Kingship and Lordship | Feeling Led and Our Calling

One of the major issues with only focusing on our relationship with Jesus Christ comes when we confront our sin face to face. Friendships, as we understand them, put us on level playing fields of authority with the other person. While we certain have been declared friends of God, this friendship is balanced alongside the Kingship of Jesus Christ. When we first commit our lives to Jesus Christ, this is only the first step. This is the rebirth into the newness of our life. As we grow in our relationship and understanding of the Kingship and Lordship of Jesus Christ, we allow the Holy Spirit to shape and direct our actions to reflect the will of God. We do not simply not sin but in making Jesus Christ the Lord and King of our lives, we allow the direction of God to guide every aspect of what we do.

The Gospel of John | The Sign of Miracles - John 6:1-21

The Gospel of John | The Sign of Miracles – John 6:1-21

John quickly transitions to the next scene with the phrasing of “after this.” Yet, for all the controversy that Jesus brought with Him, the stories of His miracles had circulated widely. Now, a large crowd had amassed and followed Him looking for their own healing and miracle. With such a large crowd, the issue quickly arose as to how the thousands of people would be fed. Jesus asks Philip, being the one who lives closest to this region, how they could possibly feed this entire crowd. Yet, even knew the impossibility of this request in such a short time. It would take a year’s salary to just give a taste to everyone who had arrived.