Category: Bible Study

The Gospel of John | The Spirit's Conviction And Truth - John 16:1-15

The Gospel of John | The Spirit’s Conviction And Truth – John 16:1-15

Just as the world hates Jesus, we will be hated as we are in Christ. The Holy Spirit will empower our witness of the truth.

The Gospel of John | Christ Against The World – John 15:18-27

Just as the world hates Jesus, we will be hated as we are in Christ. The Holy Spirit will empower our witness of the truth.

The Gospel of John | Abiding In The True Vine - John 15:1-17

The Gospel of John | Abiding In The True Vine – John 15:1-17

Jesus Christ offers the fullness of life and love in Himself as the one who gave Himself up for us so that we could remain in Him.

The Gospel of John | The Coming Paraclete - John 14:15-31

The Gospel of John | The Coming Paraclete – John 14:15-31

The Holy Spirit comes from Jesus’ standing before the Father and works in us and through us to secure our relationship with God.

The Gospel of John | Exclusive Authority - John 14:1-14

The Gospel of John | Exclusive Authority – John 14:1-14

The New Covenant that Jesus Christ is establishing takes the punishment of mankind of Himself so that we might be free to love and serve the Lord.

The Gospel of John | Going On Our Behalf - John 13:31-38

The Gospel of John | Going On Our Behalf – John 13:31-38

The New Covenant that Jesus Christ is establishing takes the punishment of mankind of Himself so that we might be free to love and serve the Lord.

The Gospel of John | The Sovereign and Willful Jesus - John 13:21-30

The Gospel of John | The Sovereign and Willful Jesus – John 13:21-30

Jesus, knowing that His crucifixion was coming, willingly laid down His life for us.

The Gospel of John | To Be Served By Christ and Serve One Another - John 13:1-20

The Gospel of John | To Be Served By Christ and Serve One Another – John 13:1-20

Jesus Christ is King and Lord over all creation. We submit and bow to Him with everything we have.

The Gospel of John | Christ As Divine Ruler - John 12:12-36

The Gospel of John | Christ As Divine Ruler – John 12:36-50

Jesus Christ is King and Lord over all creation. We submit and bow to Him with everything we have.

The Gospel of John | A Triumphal Entry For All People - John 12:12-36

The Gospel of John | A Triumphal Entry For All People – John 12:12-36

Jesus will provide for the eternal life of those The Father gives and will transform and redeem their lives.