
Questions and Doubts 1: Questioning with Faith

To be completely honest, dinosaurs provide a stumbling block to my faith.  We have these massive bones of animals said to exists millions of years ago yet there is the other belief, among evangelicals mainly, that the early is only roughly 6000 years old.  Having looked at the evidence, I am not entirely convinced.  Where are dinosaurs…
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The Core of Love – Part 3

At the core of our salvation is the Love Jesus Christ poured out for us on the cross as he took the penalty of our sin upon himself and then rose from the dead to usher us into eternity.  We did not earn it.  We cannot do enough good things to outweigh the debt in our…
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The Core of Love – Part 2

I think deep down I struggle with the idea of grace.  I want to be able to earn grace because at that point, when I don’t get it, I at least would understand why.  Yet, I see the imperfections of my life and see all the things I have done wrong and the message from God…
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The Core of Love – Part 1

In Joss Whedon’s 2005 space adventure, Serenity, a crew of what can best be described as “space cowboy pirates” finds themselves in a situation of needing to abandon their own self preservation instincts to run in order to protect those they care about as well as the rest of the galaxy.  When everything is over,…
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