

Luke 2:22-40 Awaiting The Timing

Make no mistake, shepherds were dirty people. Not morally, although maybe they were, but they were often covered in dirt, sweat and grime. For the sake of protecting the flock, they would stay with the sheep, sleeping in the fields. They smelled like livestock and were not the upper class of society. If you were planning an event for the coming of the King of the Universe, more than likely, you would overlook the shepherds. Yet, it was to the lowly shepherds that the angels announced the birth of the Savior.

Nobody Special: The Podcast

Nobody Special 007 By The Hammer of Luther

This week the boys have a conversation about politics and loving our neighbor. Martin Luther. Also we try and come up with catch phrases because why not. Martin Luther. And we discuss how Facebook live is changing our culture and how Christians should live. Martin Luther. Christian The Gospel Outpost Presents Nobody Special.


Holy Week: Easter and Our Eternity

I will never be able to fully comprehend the pain and suffering that Christ endured on the cross. Yet that is precisely the point. I am not supposed to understand fully. Christ, taking my punishment on my behalf, took what was rightfully mine so that I would not have to carry it. After all, I don’t have the ability to do so. From His sacrifice, though, I put to death my flesh and am crucified with Christ, not to earn His love, but in response to it.

Good Friday

Holy Week: Good Friday and Our Condemnation

I will never be able to fully comprehend the pain and suffering that Christ endured on the cross. Yet that is precisely the point. I am not supposed to understand fully. Christ, taking my punishment on my behalf, took what was rightfully mine so that I would not have to carry it. After all, I don’t have the ability to do so. From His sacrifice, though, I put to death my flesh and am crucified with Christ, not to earn His love, but in response to it.

Holy Week

Holy Week: Palm Sunday and Our Expectations

The Sunday before Easter kicks off what is referred to as Holy Week in the Christian calendar. During this time, the church focuses on the final journey of Christ, leading up to his death and resurrection three days later. Yet, as everything began and he entered Jerusalem, knowing this would be the place of His crucifixion, He was greeted by the people who had heard all He had done. The stories and rumors of this man had spread across the land. Jesus was coming to be the King that would grant the freedom to the people. He was the coming Savior. And so, the people gathered to celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ.

Nobody Special: The Podcast

Nobody Special 006 Clothing and Dark Times

Oh my goodness, it’s so late as we are recording this. Caleb and Danny are both really tired. But press on we must! We talk about #SCPGoodGirl Dress Codes for Prom and life and then we get serious talking about our recent encounters with Spiritual Drought. The Gospel Outpost Presents Nobody Special.


Luke 2:8-21 A Gospel For The Dirty

Make no mistake, shepherds were dirty people. Not morally, although maybe they were, but they were often covered in dirt, sweat and grime. For the sake of protecting the flock, they would stay with the sheep, sleeping in the fields. They smelled like livestock and were not the upper class of society. If you were planning an event for the coming of the King of the Universe, more than likely, you would overlook the shepherds. Yet, it was to the lowly shepherds that the angels announced the birth of the Savior.

Where Is God

Where Is God In The Loneliness?

Sadly, everyone will experience a time of loneliness. Friendships will become strained. Family will move. For me personally, these have been the times I have sought God the hardest. When everything around me seemed to disappear, I cried out for God asking where he is.

Nobody Special: The Podcast

Nobody Special 005 – A Bunch of Marvel Spoilers

This has been a busy couple of weeks for superheroes.  From the Power Rangers new movie coming out to Iron Fist, Nobody Special looks at what it means to be a hero.  Also we mention basketball, but poorly because our man card was shredded a while ago.  Super hero movie and spoilers ahead, the Gospel…
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Where Is God

Where Is God Through The Distractions?

Most of us have various distractions during times that we need to feel God. In our desperation, we seek out God looking for where the Savior is in our situation. There will be distractions and difficulty by a world that does not want us to see God, but we sit still, waiting on the gentle whisper of the Lord to comfort and sustain us.