Throughout the bible, we gain the perspective from earth of God’s intervention and rescue plan for mankind.  Throughout the entirety of scripture, God remains the star as He saves those receive Him.  Yet, for the most part, this is told through the perspective of the physical.  In Revelation 12, John is given a glimpse of the spiritual story.  We gain great detail as to the consequences of the devil’s rebellion in heaven, how he came to earth, and ultimately what he will endure.  Some parts of this chapter seem to be almost a flashback of events from the past while others still are to come.  Often times, from the perspective of man, it seems as though the battle is still ranging onward between God and man.  We worry about what we face and that the trials and temptations of the world will be the end of us as the devil  tempts us.  However, we must remember that Satan, for all his accusations, has no reign or power outside of what God allows him to.  The church, no matter what, will be eternally safe against the attacks of Satan as long as the church remains and pursues the One, True Savior. Â