
Nobody Special 049 | VR Church and Punching Christmas Heretics

Nobody Special 049 | VR Church and Punching Christmas Heretics

Every Christmas people find reasons to get outraged about something.  This year, the boys of Nobody Special tackle the issues head on.  Christmas trees. Are hey pagan?  We look at the hard hitting issues of today and seek to find out whether Christmas trees represent pagan worship and whether or not Christians should even have them in their home.  We discuss how to share the Gospel during this Christmas time given the cultural contexts we’ve been given.

Then, we tackle the non-controversial topic of homosexuality.  With the recent news worthy events of popular Contemporary Christian Music artist, Lauren Daigle, we look Lauren Daigle’s recent statements and whether she deserves the flack she is getting for performing on the Ellen Show.  While there may be room for improvement on the Christian theological discussion, overall, we have to admit that encouraging people to read their bibles is a good thing.  Good on you Lauren Daigle. Also, thanks for Alex Mr. Che Che for this week’s question on whether a Christian should attend a homosexual wedding.

Revelation 16:1-21 | The Seven Bowls of Wrath

The Revelation of Jesus Christ |The Seven Bowls of Wrath – Revelation 16:1-21

At the end of a harvest, everything in the field is harvested in some form or another.  The outcome a harvest is largely dependent on what identity the thing being harvested holds.  For harvesting, there is the physical act of removing everything from where it is and then the sorting by its identity.  As the elders and angels declare the victory of God over all the world, they mark the beginning of the season of harvest.  The angels herald the coming of the harvest as it passes over all the earth.  First, the wheat are harvested and then the grapes.  While both are harvested, their fates could not be more different, each facing a different outcome than the other.  One thing becomes clear from chapter 14; everyone will face the harvest in some capacity.  Up until this point, God reveals his sovereignty as the King of Heaven, the ruler of creation, and even dictating what the dragon and demons can and cannot do. At the end of human kind, everyone will experience the fullness of God.  Some will experience the fullness of God’s eternal presence and blessing.  Others will experience the fullness of the God’s wrath.  The difference comes from who the son of man claims as His own.

Just An Ordinary | Shepherds

Just An Ordinary Day | Shepherds

Shepherds, in that day, tended to not be the cleanest of people. They carried the reputation of dirty, inappropriate vagabonds who preferred the company of animals instead of mankind. They lived with the animals in the field to keep an eye on the animals. Their job consumed their life and this specific day, for all they knew, was just an ordinary day. Out of the ordinary, heavenly hosts appeared proclaiming the coming of the Savior. These outcasts of society received the proclamation of the presence of the King over all eternity. The Savior had arrived in lowly circumstances and the angelic hosts came to the lowliest of people. For the shepherds, they understood their unholiness and filthy ness, both externally and spiritually, and risked their livelihood to behold the face of the Savior.

Prelude to the Seven Plagues | Revelation 15:1-8

The Revelation of Jesus Christ | Prelude to The Seven Plagues – Revelation 15:1-8

At the end of a harvest, everything in the field is harvested in some form or another.  The outcome a harvest is largely dependent on what identity the thing being harvested holds.  For harvesting, there is the physical act of removing everything from where it is and then the sorting by its identity.  As the elders and angels declare the victory of God over all the world, they mark the beginning of the season of harvest.  The angels herald the coming of the harvest as it passes over all the earth.  First, the wheat are harvested and then the grapes.  While both are harvested, their fates could not be more different, each facing a different outcome than the other.  One thing becomes clear from chapter 14; everyone will face the harvest in some capacity.  Up until this point, God reveals his sovereignty as the King of Heaven, the ruler of creation, and even dictating what the dragon and demons can and cannot do. At the end of human kind, everyone will experience the fullness of God.  Some will experience the fullness of God’s eternal presence and blessing.  Others will experience the fullness of the God’s wrath.  The difference comes from who the son of man claims as His own.

Just An Ordinary Day | Simeon

Just An Ordinary Day | Simeon

Luke describes Simeon as righteous and devout. The Lord told him that he would not die until he saw the Savior who would come. So, the life of Simeon became a waiting game for God to reveal Himself. God gave no indication to Simeon as to when or where Christ would appear nor would there be circumstances that could hasten the coming. Everything would be completed on God’s timing and providence. Thus, for Simeon, expectation and waiting on the Lord became the every day, the mundane, and the normal. Until one day, a single event would fulfill the prophesies and the prophet who would speak them.

Nobody Special 048 | Lauren Daigle and Pagan Christmas Trees

Nobody Special 048 | Lauren Daigle and Pagan Christmas Trees

Every Christmas people find reasons to get outraged about something.  This year, the boys of Nobody Special tackle the issues head on.  Christmas trees. Are hey pagan?  We look at the hard hitting issues of today and seek to find out whether Christmas trees represent pagan worship and whether or not Christians should even have them in their home.  We discuss how to share the Gospel during this Christmas time given the cultural contexts we’ve been given.

Then, we tackle the non-controversial topic of homosexuality.  With the recent news worthy events of popular Contemporary Christian Music artist, Lauren Daigle, we look Lauren Daigle’s recent statements and whether she deserves the flack she is getting for performing on the Ellen Show.  While there may be room for improvement on the Christian theological discussion, overall, we have to admit that encouraging people to read their bibles is a good thing.  Good on you Lauren Daigle. Also, thanks for Alex Mr. Che Che for this week’s question on whether a Christian should attend a homosexual wedding.

The Revelation of Jesus Christ | The Harvest of The Earth – Revelation 14:14-20

At the end of a harvest, everything in the field is harvested in some form or another.  The outcome a harvest is largely dependent on what identity the thing being harvested holds.  For harvesting, there is the physical act of removing everything from where it is and then the sorting by its identity.  As the elders and angels declare the victory of God over all the world, they mark the beginning of the season of harvest.  The angels herald the coming of the harvest as it passes over all the earth.  First, the wheat are harvested and then the grapes.  While both are harvested, their fates could not be more different, each facing a different outcome than the other.  One thing becomes clear from chapter 14; everyone will face the harvest in some capacity.  Up until this point, God reveals his sovereignty as the King of Heaven, the ruler of creation, and even dictating what the dragon and demons can and cannot do. At the end of human kind, everyone will experience the fullness of God.  Some will experience the fullness of God’s eternal presence and blessing.  Others will experience the fullness of the God’s wrath.  The difference comes from who the son of man claims as His own.

Just An Ordinary Day | Joseph

Just An Ordinary Day | Joseph

Jospeh led a good but uneventful life. During that time, he found himself betrothed to a wonderful woman. They obediently followed God, refusing to give in to their desires by consummating their relationship before the wedding night. Then, Mary gave him the news that would shatter his heart; “I’m pregnant.” Joseph, being a man of integrity, knew the child could not be his. Yet, he understood the implications and consequences of what would happen to Mary if they divorced because of her “infidelity.” From Joseph’s perspective, He had full right to drag her before the temple and have her stone. Yet, while a man of righteous faith, Joseph also sought to be a man of love and great grace, choosing instead to spare her by divorcing her quietly. On this night, on just an ordinary day, Joseph’s life would change forever.

Just An Ordinary Day | Mary

For a moment that would change the trajectory of her life, the coming of the angel Gabriel seemed out of the ordinary for this young girl.  She was engaged to be married to Joseph, a good man, who obeyed the law as good Jewish man.  During that day, engagement meant more than just pre-marriage but the two committed to one another through their engagement, consummating their unity at their wedding.  Joseph and Mary were no exception to this, remaining a virgin. Although they were good people, Mary and Joseph did not come from distinguished backgrounds or wealth and status.  Mary found favor with God in the ordinary circumstances of her life as she faithfully followed God.  With the announcement of Gabriel that she would give birth to the Messiah, Mary trusted God to walk her through an impossible situation giving glory to God in through faithfully trusting God to lead her through every step.

Nobody Special | Thanksgiving and Black Friday Holiday Special

Nobody Special | Thanksgiving and Black Friday Special Episode

By special episode, we mean that its a non-canonical shorter episode.  But the good news is that this episode doesn’t come from technical glitch resulting in rage from Danny. Caleb is out of town this week with his family and we wanted to make sure you all had something to listen to as you are shopping for black friday sales.  Everyone be safe out there.  We go through some thoughts to consider as you are shopping and before you even go shopping.  

Finally, we want to be sure and remember the things we are thankful for.  First and above all, we are thankful for the grace and love of Jesus Christ who died for our sins.  Second, I, Danny, wanna personally say thank you to Caleb for being the backbone and encouragement for a great deal of things.  The dude is legit.  Also, we both wanna say thank you to all of our audience members, people who tune in, and everyone who sends us comments.