
The Gospel of John | The Light Lives Among Us - John 1:1-18

The Gospel of John | The Light Lives Among Us – John 1:1-18

From Genesis 1:1 (which John clearly is referencing in his opening prologue) we witness God creating life out of nothing. Yet, the perfection of paradise did not last with the introduction of sin and darkness. In a single moment of mutiny, God’s people corrupted the perfection of creation and corrupted the soul to stand against God. For some, it may be easy to think that the actions of God were nothing more than plan B in reaction to mankind’s choices. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Spiritual Disciplines | Fasting

Spiritual Disciplines | Fasting

Of all the Spiritual Disciplines, prayer is one more frequently understood by people yet one of the ones we fail to do regularly. Either we overcomplicate prayer to be formulaic, ritualistic, and stiff as we miss the organic connectivity with God. Or we underestimate the power of a prayer filled life and the ability of God to hear and respond to our prayers. In short, prayer is talking to God as Lord and Savior. We boldly bring our concerns, praises, and vulnerable before the High King of Heaven. Prayer is coming before the Lord bringing who we are and seeking His will and presence in our lives while shaping who we are to be more like Him.

Nobody Special 055 | Four Leaf Clovers Are Heretical

Nobody Special 055 | Four Leaf Clovers Are Heretical

One this episode, we celebrate this holiday by walking through the origins of Saint Patrick. It turns out, he is not even Irish. But he was willing to give up everything he has for the sake of the Gospel. From his actions, arguably western civilization was saved. Also, we found a fantastic description of the Trinity with the Shamrock. So much of St. Patrick is cloaked in story and we look at what is what and how we can be impacted by his life even today.

Spiritual Disciplines | Prayer

Spiritual Disciplines | Prayer

Of all the Spiritual Disciplines, prayer is one more frequently understood by people yet one of the ones we fail to do regularly. Either we overcomplicate prayer to be formulaic, ritualistic, and stiff as we miss the organic connectivity with God. Or we underestimate the power of a prayer filled life and the ability of God to hear and respond to our prayers. In short, prayer is talking to God as Lord and Savior. We boldly bring our concerns, praises, and vulnerable before the High King of Heaven. Prayer is coming before the Lord bringing who we are and seeking His will and presence in our lives while shaping who we are to be more like Him.

Spiritual Disciplines | Meditation

Spiritual Disciplines | Meditation

When people think of meditation, usually, we conjure and image of eastern style meditation with someone sitting cross legged while saying one continual syllable. This is far from the type of Christian meditation that is beneficial for the Christian. Because of this stereotype, Christians often shy away from the concept of meditation, but only to…
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Spiritual Disciplines | An Introduction

Spiritual Disciplines | An Introduction

The first step in the life of the Christian is to submit to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. From then on, the Christian grows in their faith and relationship with Jesus Christ. Yet, for all of our change in heart as Christ restores and reforms those who come to him, growing closer to God…
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Christ in Colossians | Diverse and Unified Colossians 4:7-17

Christ in Colossians | Diverse and Unified – Colossians 4:7-17

At the end of Paul’s letters to the churches, he greets those he writes and the letter to the Colossians church is no exception here. Yet, most of us skip these sections of scripture as merely boiler plate issues and matters only pertaining to the Colossians church. As we read scripture, we must approach it in the understanding that all scripture is God breathed, even the portion we may not fully understand. The final segment of Paul’s letter to the Colossians church continues in the message of the book. As followers of Jesus Christ, we participate in a generational faith that transcends boundaries of age, race, and other forms of division. Christ is preeminent. Jesus comes before all things and everything falls under His divine and righteous purpose.

Nobody Special 054 | Girl Scout Cookies, Heroin, and Evangelism

Nobody Special 054 | Girl Scout Cookies, Heroin, and Evangelism

Danny and Caleb celebrate Valentine’s day by taping this weeks episode of Nobody Special. And Valentine’s Day we celebrate as we dive into the origins of Valentine’s Day and what happened to make the traditions we have today. It’s another holiday we stole and used it to communicate the love of God. Honestly, the history of Saint Valentine is pretty sweet.

Christ in Colossians | From The Inside Out

Christ in Colossians | From The Inside Out – Colossians 4:2-6

Christ rules on the throne of haven as preeminent, the first before all things. For the Christian, we do not coronate Christ as King but merely catch up to and submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. One of the joys of theology and studying God comes from the sheer practicality. Paul does not stop at the head knowledge or philosophical but gives the practical application.

The One Who is Coming Soon | Revelation 22:6-21

The Revelation of Jesus Christ | The One Who Is Coming Soon – Revelation 22:6 – 21

John looks out and sees a New Heaven and a New Earth and the sea is gone.  The distance that once separated man from God, that vast sea that surrounds the throne, has gone.  Throughout the history of the church, Jesus’ acts can best be understood as an invasion to pluck His beloved creation from the grasp of death’s hands.  Now, the great intercession is complete and the relationship between heaven and earth become new, resembling a perfected Eden where mankind and God exhibited no separation from one another. Â