
Nobody Special 058 | Enneagram: Personality Test or Tool of Satan?

Nobody Special 058 | Enneagram: Personality Test or Tool of Satan?

This week Caleb and Danny take a letter from Classic Joni (Claaaaaaasssic Joni). He asks our thoughts on the Enneagram. This personality test has become popular in Christian circles over the past few years and we look at the role these thing play in our day to day lives. Furthermore, we look at who gets to define us and what it means to be defined by Jesus Christ. Also, we discuss the Spiritual Gifts and how we have a tendency to group ourselves according to our gifting when we should be coming together. Identity is something that we should allow Jesus Christ to define us, not our own thoughts or the thoughts of any particular personality test.

Spiritual Discipline | Service

Spiritual Disciplines | Service

Of all the Spiritual Disciplines, prayer is one more frequently understood by people yet one of the ones we fail to do regularly. Either we overcomplicate prayer to be formulaic, ritualistic, and stiff as we miss the organic connectivity with God. Or we underestimate the power of a prayer filled life and the ability of God to hear and respond to our prayers. In short, prayer is talking to God as Lord and Savior. We boldly bring our concerns, praises, and vulnerable before the High King of Heaven. Prayer is coming before the Lord bringing who we are and seeking His will and presence in our lives while shaping who we are to be more like Him.

The Gospel of John | What Are You Seeking? | John 1:35-51

The Gospel of John | What Are You Seeking? – John 1:35-51

After Jesus’ encounter with John the Baptist, people were quickly drawn to Jesus Christ. The testimony of John the Baptist preparing the hearts of the people to receive the Messiah had been received and now people came seeking out the Messiah. During this time, Jesus drew the first of who would be called His twelve disciples. John’s presentation of the Gospel gives a fast paced escalation of the events of Christ’s ministry. Once the word began to get out, things developed rather quickly as those would come to Christ would be transformed and renewed by experiencing the teachings and presence of God.

Spiritual Disciplines | Submission

Spiritual Disciplines | Submission

Of all the Spiritual Disciplines, prayer is one more frequently understood by people yet one of the ones we fail to do regularly. Either we overcomplicate prayer to be formulaic, ritualistic, and stiff as we miss the organic connectivity with God. Or we underestimate the power of a prayer filled life and the ability of God to hear and respond to our prayers. In short, prayer is talking to God as Lord and Savior. We boldly bring our concerns, praises, and vulnerable before the High King of Heaven. Prayer is coming before the Lord bringing who we are and seeking His will and presence in our lives while shaping who we are to be more like Him.

Nobody Special 057 | The Good Book and Closed Book Stores

Nobody Special 057 | The Good Book and Closed Book Stores

On this episode Caleb and Danny take a letter from our overseas listener. He want to know how to start and maintain a devotional life, spending time getting in to the word. Getting into this habit can be tricky and we break down our tips and tricks for being more disciplined. Also, we look at whether devotionals are good or not for the Christian and when we should be using them.

Spiritual Disciplines | Silence

Spiritual Disciplines | Silence

Of all the Spiritual Disciplines, prayer is one more frequently understood by people yet one of the ones we fail to do regularly. Either we overcomplicate prayer to be formulaic, ritualistic, and stiff as we miss the organic connectivity with God. Or we underestimate the power of a prayer filled life and the ability of God to hear and respond to our prayers. In short, prayer is talking to God as Lord and Savior. We boldly bring our concerns, praises, and vulnerable before the High King of Heaven. Prayer is coming before the Lord bringing who we are and seeking His will and presence in our lives while shaping who we are to be more like Him.

The Gospel of John | The Witness of John the Baptist | John 1:19-34

The Gospel of John | The Witness of John the Baptist – John 1:19-34

John moves to tell the story of the one who would proclaim the coming Messiah. John the Baptist (different from the John writing this account of the Gospel) always had a special connection to Jesus. From the priestly tribe of Levi, John the Baptist lept for joy from within the womb as Mary, now pregnant with Jesus, visiting Elizabeth. While Elizabeth would give birth first, John’s life would be a testament to the coming Messiah. Everything taught and proclaimed would be in an effort to pave the way in the hearts of mankind to receive Jesus Christ.

Spiritual Disciplines | Simplicity

Spiritual Disciplines | Simplicity

Of all the Spiritual Disciplines, prayer is one more frequently understood by people yet one of the ones we fail to do regularly. Either we overcomplicate prayer to be formulaic, ritualistic, and stiff as we miss the organic connectivity with God. Or we underestimate the power of a prayer filled life and the ability of God to hear and respond to our prayers. In short, prayer is talking to God as Lord and Savior. We boldly bring our concerns, praises, and vulnerable before the High King of Heaven. Prayer is coming before the Lord bringing who we are and seeking His will and presence in our lives while shaping who we are to be more like Him.

Nobody Special 056 | Worship and "Dead People"

Nobody Special 056 | Worship and “Dead People”

One this episode, we celebrate this holiday by walking through the origins of Saint Patrick. It turns out, he is not even Irish. But he was willing to give up everything he has for the sake of the Gospel. From his actions, arguably western civilization was saved. Also, we found a fantastic description of the Trinity with the Shamrock. So much of St. Patrick is cloaked in story and we look at what is what and how we can be impacted by his life even today.

Spiritual Disciplines | Study

Spiritual Disciplines | Study

Of all the Spiritual Disciplines, prayer is one more frequently understood by people yet one of the ones we fail to do regularly. Either we overcomplicate prayer to be formulaic, ritualistic, and stiff as we miss the organic connectivity with God. Or we underestimate the power of a prayer filled life and the ability of God to hear and respond to our prayers. In short, prayer is talking to God as Lord and Savior. We boldly bring our concerns, praises, and vulnerable before the High King of Heaven. Prayer is coming before the Lord bringing who we are and seeking His will and presence in our lives while shaping who we are to be more like Him.