
Nobody Special 090 | Chick Fila Drama and Fartgate 2019

Nobody Special 090 | Chick Fila Drama and Fartgate 2019

Chick Fila changes its charitable giving structure and everyone freaks out. Is this a abandonment of Christian values or something else? Also Fartgate 2019!

The Gospel of John | The Sign of Miracles - John 6:1-21

The Gospel of John | The Sign of Miracles – John 6:1-21

John quickly transitions to the next scene with the phrasing of “after this.” Yet, for all the controversy that Jesus brought with Him, the stories of His miracles had circulated widely. Now, a large crowd had amassed and followed Him looking for their own healing and miracle. With such a large crowd, the issue quickly arose as to how the thousands of people would be fed. Jesus asks Philip, being the one who lives closest to this region, how they could possibly feed this entire crowd. Yet, even knew the impossibility of this request in such a short time. It would take a year’s salary to just give a taste to everyone who had arrived.

Kingship and Lordship | Submitting our Feelings to the Lord

Kingship and Lordship | Submitting Our Feelings to The Lord

One of the major issues with only focusing on our relationship with Jesus Christ comes when we confront our sin face to face. Friendships, as we understand them, put us on level playing fields of authority with the other person. While we certain have been declared friends of God, this friendship is balanced alongside the Kingship of Jesus Christ. When we first commit our lives to Jesus Christ, this is only the first step. This is the rebirth into the newness of our life. As we grow in our relationship and understanding of the Kingship and Lordship of Jesus Christ, we allow the Holy Spirit to shape and direct our actions to reflect the will of God. We do not simply not sin but in making Jesus Christ the Lord and King of our lives, we allow the direction of God to guide every aspect of what we do.

Nobody Special 089 | The Mandalorian, Disney+, and Compassion

Nobody Special 089 | The Mandalorian, Disney+, and Compassion

Disney+ brings back nostalgia in the good way and The Mandalorian provides a picture of Christ-like compassion. Find out more on this episode of Nobody Special

The Gospel of John | The Authority of Jesus Christ

The Gospel of John | The Authority of Christ Jesus – John 5:19-47

Following the healing of the lame man at the pool of Bethesda, the Pharisees stood against the teachings and methods of Jesus Christ. He had openly shirked their authority and customs by healing on the Sabbath in an unconventional way while presenting the religious leaders with an ethical conundrum that they could not openly speak against the healing. Their religious system seemed to be crumbling under their rule and now they sought to determine who undermined their system and by what authority this strange new teacher did so. Now, Jesus proclaimed Himself to be equal with God, something the Pharisees could not stand and they sought to kill him.

Kingship and Lordship | Submitting Our Actions to Christ

Kingship and Lordship | Submitting Our Actions to Christ

One of the major issues with only focusing on our relationship with Jesus Christ comes when we confront our sin face to face. Friendships, as we understand them, put us on level playing fields of authority with the other person. While we certain have been declared friends of God, this friendship is balanced alongside the Kingship of Jesus Christ. When we first commit our lives to Jesus Christ, this is only the first step. This is the rebirth into the newness of our life. As we grow in our relationship and understanding of the Kingship and Lordship of Jesus Christ, we allow the Holy Spirit to shape and direct our actions to reflect the will of God. We do not simply not sin but in making Jesus Christ the Lord and King of our lives, we allow the direction of God to guide every aspect of what we do.

Nobody Special 088 | Grace for Crist and Handling Public Sin

Nobody Special 088 | Grace for Crist and Handling Public Sin

What does it mean to be called and is the term even biblical? Caleb and Danny discuss this, Kanye West, and the new hit game The Outerworlds in the latest episode of the Christian Podcast Nobody Special.

Kingship and Lordship | Submission To The King

Kingship and Lordship | Submission to The King

In today’s age, we find ourselves in the opposite problem but the same solution nonetheless. Today, we have swung so far to decentralization that even the concept of truth lacks any real form. Pluralism and the idea of subjective truth has ravaged our ability to, not only pursue God, but also to express our faith without drawing criticism, accusations of bigotry and hatred, and in some places violence. The church, even today, is in dire need of a reformation of sorts. We, as Christians, face a severe problem of Biblical Illiteracy in our faith. Now, more than ever, we must be willing to engage in the depths of theology as we seek a greater understanding of the scriptures as the self-revelation of God, all for the glory of God.

Nobody Special 087 | The Outerworlds and Our Calling

Nobody Special 087 | The Outerworlds and Our Calling

What does it mean to be called and is the term even biblical? Caleb and Danny discuss this, Kanye West, and the new hit game The Outerworlds in the latest episode of the Christian Podcast Nobody Special.

Kanye's Faith

Kanye’s Faith

2,000 years ago, the Pharisees heaped requirements for salvation on people they could not possibly bear. Now, Kanye West proclaims his faith in Jesus Christ, produces an album called Jesus is King. Now, “sensible” Christians have heaped more and more requirements on Kanye to “prove” his conversion is real. My brothers and sisters, have we become the Pharisees?